Chapter 1

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Siyeon POV

I was Sua walk into the class with her friends and they were all hot I must admit. After the teacher told me I was her tour guide of course I was mad but deeply down I was glad I was. Someone as hot as her with me would be perfect. I wonder if she will give it to me the first day. I haven't got any in so long dude.

Dami:Control your thoughts horny fuck.

Siyeon:Sorry I can't help it dude. (Glances at Sua) Shit shes coming this way.

Dami:Maybe shes trying to be friends and you be here science project partner. I'll go to mines.

Siyeon:Don't... Leave me... Shit.

Sua:Hey Siyeon right?

Siyeon:Yea. What have you heard about me?

Sua(Sexually chuckles):Nobody told me the devils daughter looks this sexy. Makes me want to get down on you. (Lifts Siyeon head) is it true your the devils daughter?

Siyeon(looking at Sua):Ne. It is.

Sua:Come with me after school so we can do more of project together.

Siyeon:I have things to do.

Sua(Stares into Siyeon eyes):What?!

Siyeon (Looks back):Fine ill come with you.

Sua(Takes her hands off Siyeon face and whispers in her ear):Good now I must go kill some humans before we meet.

And just like that she left the class. I watched her leave but I knew of I didn't follow she as going to get killed. I sighed and watched her kill someone knowing my father would be angry but I realized it was an enemy so I didn't bother to step in. She went outside and wonder by the woods and she was surrounded by males. I watched and hid watching for my turn to have fun.

Man 1:Why should a pretty young girl like you be wondering around the woods by herself?

Man 2:Yeah you know it's dangerous you be out here alone.

Sua:I can do whatever I want you fucking weirdos.

Man 3:She's a sassy one boss.

Boss: In deed. Are 5-10 men ready number 4?

Man 4:Yes sir.

Sua:Stay away from me(Looks at them)

Boss(about to slap Sua):What the hell?

Siyeon (grabs his hand and squeeze it):Don't you think fun time is up. Leave this girl alone.

Boss:Double the fun arghhh!!!!!

Siyeon(Breaks his hand): leave her alone...

Boss:Kill them...

The men tried to kill me but failed. I guess its time I show them who I really am. I killed all of them except for the boss. I wanted to remember face because he will see her soon.

Siyeon (Demon self):See you soon. (Kills him)

Sua:Siyeon is that you?

Siyeon(Shocked and disappear):..

Sua:S-siyeon??? No im just over thinking. Lets get back to the school.

I took a deep breath and hurried back to school forgetting to clean the scar off my face. Sua came back and looked after my face and cleaned my scar.

Siyeon:Why did you do that?

Sua:You was bleeding. What happened?

Siyeon:I had to use the restroom and let's just say I wanted it to myself and the thought it was okay to fight about it.

Jennie:Sua. Coming to my party tonight? Lisa Chung ha Sunmi Chaeyoung Jisoo Solar Moonbyul Wheein Hwasa Nayeon and Momo sill be there?

Sua:Girl they all have dates.

Jennie:Lisa doesn't have a date.

Sua:Isnt she your date?


Sua:Siyeon can you be my date for this party?

Siyeon:What about the proj-

Sua:I promise we will finish it please?

Siyeon:Fine I will be your date just don't be pushy.

Sua:But that what makes me well me Siyeon. Can I be myself (Lifts Siyeon head)


Sua:Great. Ill be there Jennie (Let's go of Siyeon face)

Jennie:Siyeon your guy friends will be there.

Siyeon:Yeah I know that's why I'm going.

Teacher:Everyone take a sit and we will get started.

8 hours later (out of school)

Dami and I started to walk home when Moonbyul and Lisa came and join us. We headed to our favorite cafe and order some food and a couple of drinks.

Lisa(Laughing):You should've seen there faces man.

Siyeon (laughing):Indeed but it was funny.

Waiter:Here's your food and drinks. Enjoy(leaves)

Dami:What you guys think about Jennie party tonight?

Lisa:Shit I'm going for Jennie though. I'm forced to be her date but I don't mind because I really like her.

Moonbyul:Same im going with Solar. She asked me to protect her so I said sure.

Dami:Im going with Handong and Gahyeon.

Siyeon: Im Forced to go with Sua. I keep saying no but something always makes me say yes.

Dami:Here the girls come.

Sua(Sits down at another table with Jennie Solar and Yoohyeon): I can't believe the devils daughter said yeah.

Jennie:Its the way you looked into her eyes. Others would scream when looking in her eyes. It'd like they see something and get scared.

Sua:Im not scared of her at all. She's so sexy. How can anyone be scared of her.

Solar:Will she taste you at the party?

Sua:My upper lips most definitely. Not down there.

Jennie:I'll give it to Lisa most definitely.

Rosé:Okay ill go sit with my friends go sit with your okay babe (kisses Jisoo and sits with the girls)

Yoohyeon:Rosie you going to the party?

Rose: Yes. I'm going Jisoo is going as well. Wait is that Siyeon?

Solar:Yeah that is. The devils daughter.

Rose:I heard a lot of girl are after her. They like her.

Sua(Turns head):What?!? She won't be dating anyone in my watch.

Yoohyeon:They say the same about Jiu but she only talks to me.

Solar:Looks like someone is making there way here.

Jennie:She looks like shes going to talk to Siyeon.

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