Chapter 2

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I saw a girl walking to Siyeon and I immediately got angry.

Siyeon:Ahhh shit ex alert.

Jisoo:She doesn't leave you alone.

Siyeon:Never dude.

Moonbyul:Looks like Sua is mad.

Dami:Maybe we should.... Oh shit she's coming.

Siyeon Ex:Hey Siyeon

Siyeon:What the you want Park Sun?

Park Sun:I just missed you babe.

Siyeon (Scoffs):Go away.

Sua(Gets up and walks over):Babe come on I'm ready to go shopping for the party tonight.

Park Sun:Yeah right y'all are not dating.

Sua:Yes we are. Is that a problem to you? Your Siyeon ex right. The bitch that sleeps with everyone right?

Park Sun:You better back off.

Siyeon(Goes to Sua and holds her back):Babe she not worth your time okay? Let's do get ready for the party then the project okay? Trust me its a waste of breath trying to argue with her.

Park Sun:You are not dating.

Sua:What do you need proof?

Park Sun:Yes I do.

Sua:Okay then (pulls our her phone to show Siyeon and her making out and couple photos). Oh and also. (Lifts up Siyeon shirt to show the back Scratches.)

Siyeon:Babe you promise not to show anyone (pouts and back hugs Sua)

Sua:I know but this bitch is making me angry.

Park Sun:Wow. Your such a player Siyeon. I'll see you later.

Siyeon:Im not a player. You cheated on me over 100 fucking times and I didn't even do shit to you. You always made it seem like I was the bad guy. Just because I'm the devils daughter doesn't mean I do bad shit 24/7. I have a heart And feelings dam it.

Siyeon let me and pushed open the door and walked out angrily. I immediately followed Siyeon and froze. She was standing there by a tree with her wings out. She put her wings away and sat by the tree looking at landscape. Who knew the devil could have such a beautiful daughter who is very masculine. I gently sat next to her but she didn't even jump flinch or move and inch.

Siyeon:Thanks for the help you can go now.

Sua:Why do you let her get to you? At the end of the day you are your own person and no one can change you. Let her be and you just do you. Your not a player and you know that so don't let what she say get to you. Your special Siyeon and she's just jealous of that. Okay?

Siyeon:Ne. Thank you.

Sua:Let's go back in and eat.

I stood up and looked up to see Siyeon in my face. I could feel my face turning red. I wanted to wait but I just wrapped my arms around Siyeon neck and gently kissed her. I felt her hand slowly going around my waist and pulling me closer to her. I tried to hold back but soft gentle moans were escaping my mouth as we kissed. After I heard myself moan I immediately backed off the kiss and held Siyeon hand and walked back inside. I headed to the girls table and they just stared at me smirking. I guess they knew what happened by the tree.

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