Chapter 5

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I woke up with Siyeon under me. I slowly sat up still sore from last night. I looked at the time. "Saturday 10:15am". I realized we need to finish the project. I got off of Siyeon and headed downstairs for breakfast. Yoohyeon was already up and making breakfast with Jiu who is her girlfriend.

Sua:Good morning you two.

Jiu(jumps):Sua Good Morning.

Yoohyeon:Hey Sis. Glad your up. Breakfast is almost ready.

Jiu:I'm going to go change(hurries upstairs)

Sua:Smells good.

Yoohyeon:Thanks. Jiu helped. That party last night was wild. (chuckles) You disappeared last night during the party. Where did you go?

Sua:I didn't disappear you was just boo'd up with Jiu.

Yoohyeon:Oh yeahhh sorry haha.

Jiu(Helps Yoohyeon):Foods done.

Sua:Good im starving.

Siyeon(comes downstairs in sweatpants and a sports bra):Sua.

Sua(turns red and covers Siyeon and whispers):You said you was leaving as soon as you awake up.

Siyeon:So they don't know what happened between us?

Sua:Siyeon about that we n-

Siyeon:I got it. One night stand. I'm leaving I'll see you around 12:30pm for the project. (Grabs her backpack) Hey Jiu.

Jiu:Siyeon hey man. We still on tonight right with Dami.

Siyeon:Sure if your not busy with Yoohyeon.

Jiu:I'll be there.

Siyeon:Good. See you then. (Disappears)

Sua(sits down and eats):Ouu this food is really good.

Jiu:Thank you.

Yoohyeon:What are you Siyeon and Dami doing tonight?

Jiu:Siyeon doesn't allow anyone to know. Baby she's the devil you can assume what we are doing.

Sua:I want in.

Jiu:No. Sorry. No females allowed. You know what I mean.

Yoohyeon:Thats fine. (Eats) Why was Siyeon coming out your room?

Sua:Don't want to talk about it.





Siyeon appeared in front of me with her book bag ready for the project. She followed me into the study room and took a seat. She pulled the notes and immediately started working not talking to me. I was getting a little annoyed. I wanted her to talk to me but she kept ignoring me while working. I gently kicked her leg and she hissed me at me. I scoffed and kicked Siyeon again but this time she grabbed my thigh making me let out a soft moan. My face turned red and I looked at her. Siyeon removed her hand and started to work again. I started to help by working on the slides while Siyeon was building. I was getting bored so I wanted to tease Siyeon. I gently spread my legs and hit Siyeon. She looked at me and grabbed me down there which made me look at her. I leaned in and started to kiss Siyeon but ahe immediately pulles out the kiss.

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