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Hi everyone. My name is Xavier King. I am currently a member of Red Rose Pack. I am daughter of Late Beta Rio and Lena King. I am younger sister of current Beta Leonardo King.

You must be confused why I have male name. Well let me tell you the reason. When I was born my parents thought I am a boy so they named me Xavier. I was born with both male and female gentiles.

My upper boy is of female and lower is of male. I am a chick with a dick. Funny right but not for me. I was little Prince of my parents. They never knew that I am a girl.

When I was 7yrs old, they died protecting me when our pack was being attack. When I woke up next day after that attack everything changed.

After our parents death my brother start to ignore me and other kids in the pack start to insult and abuse me. Only Luna and Alpha were the ones who cares about me.

Everyone start insult and abuse me but in front of Alpha and Luna they act like they love me and care about me. When I start to grow up my body start to change.

I was confused when I grew breast. They were not big. If I try I can easily hide them and look like boy. I talked to Luna and she told me that I am an intersex. She also told me many this about that.

I was able to hide my secret of being intersex for few years. But one day one of the girl from pack show my bandaged chest to hide my breasts when I was changing for PE.

She told this to everyone. They start to call me freak. I was now cursed, freak , nerd and weakling. My life was becoming more mess but still there were few good things that happen during that time.

Let me tell you the most interesting thing that happen with me. It was my 8th birthday and I thought that may be they will not harass me on this day but boy I was wrong.

I was firstly ignored by my brother Leo then insulted by Alpha's son John and others. I was sad and angry. I run away in the woods. Soon I reached to lake which was in our pack's territory.

I was sitting near a tree remembering my parents when suddenly I start to feel pain in my body, it was like my bones were on fire and i can hear sound of my bones cracking. I was confused because normally we transform at the age of 18.

I was crying. It was feeling like thousand of knives were being stab in my body. My hands start to change in claws. My legs in big paws with big nails.

My head start to change in wolf's head. I was confused because I was still standing on my two legs. I walk towards the lake and saw my reflection.

I was mesmerized to see my wolf form. I was two head bigger then my brother in his human form. I don't feel my wolf talking to me.

Normally everyone get a wolf spirit but I don't. I decided to keep this as secret and turn back to my human form only to get more shocked.

My clothes were perfectly fine. They don't get torn when I turn in wolf. I returned to my house after spending some time at the lake.

I was excited to know more about my wolf so I start to go library secretly. Soon I find out that I was Alpha Prime True Blood Alpha who are very rare. ( A/N I am going to use term Alpha Prime for Xavier's rank)

I get to know that my wolf soul is merged in my soul thats why I don't get any wolf soul. I also get know I will get powers. I tried to learn about my powers by myself when I don't find anything about them in the library.

After few months of getting my wolf I learn what were my powers. My body start to heal more faster then any Alpha. My speed get more faster then any Alpha. My strength start to grow faster.

I start to get taller then my brother. My eyes start to turn from brown to read and my brown hair was now black and red in them and tattoos start to form on my body.

I get many Powers. I get powers to change my appearance. I can control other natural elements. I can communicate to other packs' members who were still good to me in secret.

To not raise suspension I decided to change my appearance in front of others. I change my hair in brown with brown eyes like when I was before getting my wolf form and powers.

I only told about this to Alpha and Luna and make them take vow to not tell anyone else if I don't want others to know. They also told me many thing about my wolf.

Soon I was going to turn 18. Everything was same for me. Alpha gave his title to his son John when he turn 18. Alpha and Luna they both left to tour human countries.

I was 17 at that time. Alpha John soon start to show his true nature. He start to abuse and insult me openly. He don't found his mate at his 18 birthday.

He start to fuck any slut he found. Only few girls were who don't care about him including me. I was waiting for my mate hoping he or she will accept me.

Tomorrow I am going to be 18. If my mate is not in my pack then I am going to leave this pack to find my mate and if my mate is from this pack then I just wish he or she, whoever they are, they will not be one of the bullies in my pack and accept me just as I am .

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