13 🐺

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Next morning Xavier woke up with a weight on her chest. She smile when she saw her mate sleeping with a small smile and messy hair.

She gently put him on the bed and got up from the bed carefully not to wake him up. She saw how he pull the pillow which she used and hug it close taking her scent making her feel proud that her mate crave her sent and touch.

She pick out her clothes and get ready for the day. She wrote a note and put it on the headboard. She kissed Aaron's forehead then left the room.

She make her way toward living room where both Alpha's were talking. They both turn toward her.

"Good morning Kiddo. You are looking handsome", Her father said and fist bump her. "Good morning and thanks dad", She replied and kiss his cheeks.

"Good morning Uncle Rick", She greet him and fist bump with him. "Good Morning Xavier. You are looking good and Please call me papa bud now you are my son in law.", He said smiling. "OK papa and Thank you", She replied smiling.

"Where are mom and Aunt?", She asked not seeing them with the two. "They both are in kitchen", Rick and Lucas replied making her smile.

She went to kitchen and found both ladies making break fast. "Good morning ladies", She greet them grinning. "Good morning my Prince", They both greet her and kiss her cheeks.

"You are looking handsome Xavier", Megan compliment. "Of course she looks handsome in fact she looks more handsome then our husbands", Ave said smiling getting nod and smile in return from Megan.

"Thanks Aunt, mom", Xavier smile and thank the both Luna's . "Don't call me Aunt. Call me mama, Son in law", Megan said smiling teasingly.

"Okey mama. Woops now I have three dads and three moms", Xavier said grinning making both ladies laugh. She went back to living room.

Aaron woke up and meet with empty side. He panicked thinking that everything was dream but relaxed when smell his mate's scent and he saw the note.


Hey beautiful, Good morning.

I will be in living room. Get dress and meet me at there.

Love you.

Your Xavier

Aaron smile and get dress. He went to living room. Trio Alphas were talking and joking with each other.

"Let me tell you one more funny event. Me, Xavier and Carl current beta, our son and Xavier' s best friend , we three like to prank each other and other pack members.

So one day Carl decided to prank Xavier not thinking about the consequences of his prank. He planed everything and executed his plan.

Next day I was waiting for his pranks result. Everyone thought that we will meet happy Carl and funny looking Xavier .

But we were surprised when we saw a whining Carl with pink hair and black teeth hanging upside down from the ceiling and a very smugly smirking Xavier . That week the whole pack was laughing till they cry whenever they saw Carl.

So Carl's plan was to color her hair and teeth but instead she colored his hair and teeth and hang him from the ceiling", Lucas finished story laughing. Rick was looking at Xavier jaw dropped.

"Hey that was his mistake. I don't told him to plan that in front of the prank master", Xavier said smirking evilly causing everyone to laugh. Rick was laughing thinking about the scenario while Aaron was looking amused at his mate.

He have never thought that The most cruel, coldblooded, merciless Alpha will be this loving and childish. It was amusing for him and he liked it.

Aaron decided to greet everyone and enter the living room getting their attention. "Good Morning Everyone", He greet smiling. "Good morning Aaron", They greet back smiling.

"Where are both mom and Aunt?", He asked. "They are kitchen and Aaron call us mom dad from now on okey", Lucas said

"Okey dad", He replied smiling. He turn to Xavier smiling and give her a kiss then went to kitchen leaving behind Xavier smiling like an idiot and two old men with mischievous and evil smirk.

"Hey moms Good morning", He greet both ladies smiling. "Good morning sweetie", They greet back and kiss his cheeks. He help them preparing the table.

They all enjoyed the breakfast. After breakfast Aaron mind link his best friend beta Kim and introduce him to his mate and told him to it secret till they announce it to their pack.

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