49 🐺

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Xavier, Carl, Leo and some of the pack members were gone for work related the pack training.

Aaron, John and his parents were at pack house. John was on round and Aaron and Liam and Ria were with some of the pack kids.

Then suddenly one of the pack warrior come running. "Rogues are attacking!!", He inform them hurriedly causing every one to start panicking.

"Alpha John gather warriors and Alpha Liam please come with us and Luna Ria please gather the female omegas and kids and take them to safe house", Aaron start to help them by his leadership.

"Aaron you know it not good for you to fight in this condition", Liam said worriedly. "I know but I want them to know that why I am mate of Alpha Black and I am going to prove it that I am not scared to fight.

And we both know My mate is gonna protect us and everyone. She will not let any thing happen to any of us, she have promised us. Now let's go and protect everyone until she come back", Aaron said confidently.

Everyone was now fill with confident to see his confidence. John was confused but decided to not ask any question. Soon they start to fight.

Aaron was not able to turn in to his wolf form but he was using his powers to fight with the rogues who were attacking him.

It was not surprising for others to see this because he demonstrate his powers to them while training.

"Love I get the message that rogues attacked there. Are you and pup okey?", Aaron hear Xavier's worried voice through their mind link.

"Yes babe, we both are fine, but please come back fast we need you here", Aaron replied back while stopping the attack from the rogue causing him to get cut on his arm which he don't noticed.

"I am coming. Don't worry love", Xavier said and close the mind link. "Carl and brother Leo both of you take everyone back to pack. I am going first", Xavier order them.

"Yes Alpha", They replied and start to run towards the Red Rose pack territory. Xavier immidatly teleported to the pack house.

When John saw the very worried Xavier walking towards his direction with worried face, he thought that she was coming to him and was worried for him.

He smirk thinking that he finally won her trust. But soon his smirk fall when Xavier walk pass him. He turn to see where was going.

He saw her going towards Aaron who was helping one of his pack's injured warrior. Aaron turn to her feeling her presence behind him. He saw how she relaxed.

"Are you both okey?", Xavier asked with worried expression. "Yes we are fine", Aaron replied reassuring her. They talked in mind link to not let any one know about their pup.

He felt she become relaxed then suddenly he felt her getting angry again. He was confused but when he felt her holding his arm gently and blood on his arm.

He immidatly understand the reason of his mates anger. He know that now no one can save those stupid rogues from a very angry true blood Alpha.

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