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"Hello Everyone. I am very happy today. I am going to introduce my lovely mate to you all who is going to join us with his pack today", Xavier announced.

She turn towards Aaron and gesture him to come close to her. He walk toward her and stand beside his mate with a sweet and shy smile.

Xavier put her hand on his waist and pull him closer causing him to blush which he quickly cover with smile. But it doesn't get unnoticed by others.

They noticed it and coo internally but they don't said anything and focus on announcement not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable.

"He is Aaron Davis, Alpha of Blue Moon Pack and my mate. Today he and his pack Blue Moon will join our pack officially", She announced causing everyone to cheer.

Everyone was cheering with excitement.
Then one of the pack elder come to them followed by an omega carrying a bowl with some liquid and a knife.

Both Alpha Black and Alpha Aaron were facing each other. The elder make cut on their hands and mix their blood in the liquid. The both Alphas make vows for loyalty and to protect both pack

They both drink the liquid completing the ritual. Soon everyone felt bond being created between them the two packs. Xavier walk in front of the pack with Aaron.

"Now Blue Moon Pack is officially part of Moon Warriors. I am your Alpha Xavier Black and He is your Luna Aaron Davis", She introduce herself and her mate.

Everyone was surprised to hear Aaron titled as Luna. But it also proved them that he not like others. They start congratule and cheer for them.

"Now let me introduce your betas, Beta Carl and Beta Kim. They both are second in command and mates. If anyone have any problem you can tell us immidatly.

I want you all to respect and love my mate and your Luna as you all respect and love me.

I want you all to respect each other. I don't want any negative behavior toward anyone.

I going to repeat my main rules once again for our new members to remember".

Aaron was staring at his mate. He was in awe to see how his mate was handling the pack with ease and everyone was listening to her without any complain.

"Rule 1. Don't disrespect anyone.

Rule3, Respect your elders, Alpha, Luna
and Betas.

Rule 3. Don't disrespect your mate
or others mates.

Rule 4. Don't betray our pack .

I will not tolerate any bad behavior toward anyone or betrayal. If you betray me then their is only one punishment of it and that is tourcher and death ", Xavier finished with a dangerous growl.

Everyone shivered on her growl. It was very scaring. After all introductions Xavier dismissed everyone. Xavier and other went back to the big mansion they are staying.

Two week later:

Its been two weeks. Now the new members were settled in Xavier's pack. They all come to know about her powers and secrets and accept her happily.

Both Alphas were not getting ready for their date.

Xavier's outfit.

Xavier's outfit

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Aaron's outfit.

Aaron's outfit

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Xavier's Car.

Xavier took Aaron to a private restaurant for their date

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Xavier took Aaron to a private restaurant for their date. She personally cook dishes for him. It was all planed by her to surprise him.

He was falling more in love with her seeing how much efforts to make him happy. He enjoyed his first official date with his mate and he enjoyed it so much.

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