24 🐺

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Aaron's POV:

I was shocked but in a good way. I don't think about any of this because of all the matter related to pack and spending time with Xavier.

"But you don't have to feel pressure or think that it is necessary for you to carry my pups. If you don't want to give birth, I will not force you for it.

Its your decision to make. I will support you in your decision even if you reject or accept to carry our pups and give birth to them ", Xavier said to me assuring me.

This got me out of shock. I can see little hope in her eyes that may be I will accept to carry her pups. Seeing me silent her eyes with hope turn in to sadness.

No, Nope and Never. I don't want her to think that I don't want to carry her pups, our pups. So I did the first thing come in my mind. I hold her face and sit on her lap facing her.

"Hey love. Don't be sad. I am not gonna leave the chance to live that phase that every sub want to live with their mate. I want to live that phase.

I want to carry our pups. I want to feel them and carry them till they will be ready to come to this world. I want to have our own family", I said with smile.

"R-Really?", She asked again Her eyes were fill with unshaded tears. I can feel her happiness through our bond. I nodded causing her smile and kiss me lovingly.

When we broke the kiss, she look down at my stomach. Then she place her hand on my stomach and start to cares it with a soft and warm smile.

I again felt my body warming up from her touch. Suddenly I realized why I was feeling like this. Finally I know why every time she touch my stomach I get that strange feeling.

I have hear about it and have read about it.
It is motherly feeling. A sub mate felt it when their body start to prepare it for pregnancy, for pups.

"Now I know what was that feeling", I said in whisper not knowing it was loud enough for my mate to hear it, I don't realize that she heard me till she asked me about it.

"What feeling my love?", Xav asked with curiosity . I smile shyly and answered her question," Whenever you were touching my stomach, my body start to warm up.

I was confused and curious about that. I want to asked you about it but because of our discussion, I finally realized that it was little hint that my body is preparing for pregnancy and to carry our pup".

Xav smile and kiss my forehead and pull me in her arms giving me a hug . "I also felt strange whenever I touch your stomach. I don't know why but I wanted to touch it whenever my eyes went on your stomach.

I want to cares it, I want to pamper it with kisses, I want to cover it in my sent and I want to protect this valunrable stomach of yours. Can I do it? ", Xavier asked smiling lovingly and looking in my eyes fill with love.

I held her face in my hands and look in her eyes."Of Course. You can do that baby", I said lovingly. I want her to cares it, to cover it in her sent and to kiss my vulnerable stomach.

Submissive mates stomachs are always vulnerable for their mates because its where they carry their mate's pups and protect them till they come out in the world. Sub mate likes it when their mates give attention to their most vulnerable parts.

This give them strange but warm feeling and I also want to feel that. I want her to give more attention to my vulnerable stomach where soon our pup will be.

I just want her to touch it, to caresses it , to lick it covering it in her sent and I want her kiss to it.

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