if you dream of innocence then you are
if you dream of monsters then you must be one yourself
if you have expensive necklaces on you then your heart must br gold too
if you show your flaws then they must define you
if your words are sweet then your actions are as well
if you speak foul language then the odor of your personality must be the same
if you fit in then all is well and good
if you have different skin then your intentions must be likewise
if you pick the fight then it is obviously entirely your fault
if you keep it going then you are simply congenial
if you are going through unyielding times then you must be weak
but if you seem jubilant then you must hve made the right choices to get there
these are the rules of society
and they seem wrong to us all in words
but aren't we the beasts that created them
you tell me
im trying to put my thoughts, and my complaints of the world, into words.thanks :)