twenty three

24 3 4

her sins roll down her face in tears

sliding across the bridge of her nose

enhancing her freckles

and falling into the curve of her lips

she stood in front of a mirror

on a scale measuring her weight

as the red line moved higher and higher

she could feel her heart drop lower

looking into her incredible eyes

she fell into the trap of lies

of judgement and sadness

crying until there was no more left in her

lifting her head up and moving the hair that stuck to her face

her beautiful eyes looked over her appearance

and slowly but truly

learned to accept it, learned to love it as it was

now smiling,

her day bright

and soul white

she loved herself

and realized that was all it took to happiness

loving yourself

who you really are

on the inside


this is about a conversation i was having with @hazcentral about loving yourself. if you're searching for happiness, first search for love, inside of you, for you. :))

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