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new ship, the Argo III, and sends them on a five year trip to see the world. The catch? There are no couples and everyone gets to sleep with whoever they want!
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Annabeth C., Percy J., Piper M., Jason G. - Chapters: 10 - Words: 19,737 - Reviews: 121 - Favs: 271 - Follows: 245 - Updated: Jul 22, 2016 - Published: Dec 4, 2015 - id: 11649292
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Argo III

ch. 1: A New Journey

Percy Pov

We were all gathered in the Big House around the ping pong table for our usual meeting. There was me, Nico, Annabeth, Clarisse, Leo, Jason, the Stolls, Katie Gardner, both Piper and Drew were both here from Aphrodite's cabin, which was weird. There was also Will from the Apollo cabin. Calypso was here since she'd been freed from her island. We were all discussing something about improvements being made to the rock wall when suddenly there was a bright pink flash and Aphrodite appeared at the head of the table. We all bowed in respect.

"Rise heroes." she said, and we did so. She continued. "I assume most of you are wondering why I'm here and why Drew is also joining you, so I'll cut to the chase. But first I'm going to have to ask that Will, Katie, and the Stolls all leave for now. You will be needed later."

The four of them left, as did Chiron. When it was just us nine she continued.

"My heroes, you have no idea how much you have pleased me over the past few years. Not only have you won two nearly impossible wars, but you have also found true love among one another."

"I haven't." said Drew. "And what about Clarisse?"

"She has Chris dear." replied Aphrodite, not responding to Drew's first point. "However, as you all know I am the Goddess of Love...and Sex. And while your love lives are something that makes me jump for joy, your sex lives could use a little...excitement shall I say?"

We all looked at each other, unsure of where she was going with this.

"Also," she continued. "You have not been able to truly see the world in all its beauty. So I've created a plan that will help both of those needs. You will build a third Argo ship, sail around the world for five years, and have hot, meaningless sex with one another."

It was silent in the room as we all took in what she had said. Finally Piper spoke up.

"How can you expect us to just drop everything for five years mom?"

Aphrodite giggled. "That leads me to my next bit of news. Since the gods have found no threats whatsoever to anyone, they felt that those who were responsible for this should be rewarded. For that, all of the demigods who fought and lived through the wars have been granted immortality."

The room was immediately filled with chatter from everyone. Immorality? We get to live forever? That's incredible!

"Wait," said Drew. "I still don't get why I'm here. I barely fought in the wars."

Aphrodite smiled. "Yes dear, but you're being rewarded for two other things. For one, you have ceased to be, pardon my language, a conceited, lying bitch to everyone (it was actually true, Drew, while still a bit of a slut, had actually become a nice person and had stopped going after people's boyfriends. She still flirted with me and Jason a lot, but it was more playful than anything and even Piper didn't have a problem with her doing it). And second, the times that you were a bitch helped others, such as Piper here, live up to their potential as they tried to show you up."

Drew shrugged, understanding her point.

"So," I said. "We're all of a sudden immortal, and are supposed to travel around the world for five whole years on a ship that we haven't even built yet, and have continuous sex with our partners?"

"Not exactly," was Aphrodite's reply. "When I said you'd be having sex with one another, I meant that you and your partners would be...on a break, shall we say? You'd basically be single for the next five years and be able to have meaningless sex with whoever you please, and will still come back to your partners at the end of it because we all know that there's no one else you'd rather be with."

We all shrugged in agreement, knowing that what she said was completely true.

Knowing that we agreed with her, she said. "You will work together to build a new ship, and will also be joined on your journey by other campers, such as Frank, Hazel, the Stolls, Katie, Will, and Thalia. Before you ask, Artemis has agreed to let her Hunters have relationships now that all threats are gone."

After giving us some final instructions, she left. After a few moments of no one talking, I stood up.

"Well, we may as well get started on the new ship."

"Uh, about that Percy." Leo said, standing up. "No offense, but I'm gonna build it alone. There are some...surprises I want to include for everyone, and there are some things that only I know how to build."

"What kind of surprises?" asked Piper.

Leo smirked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"You'll see."

One Month Later

After Leo worked tirelessly on the new Argo III, we were ready to leave. We packed up all of our belongings, said goodbye to everyone at camp, who all now knew about their immortality, but only Katie, the Stolls, and Will knew what kind of trip we were going on. Calypso said she had to go back to her island for something that she wouldn't explain, but would meet us in a day or two. We took off around eight in the morning, with Leo setting the autopilot for a destination that he wouldn't share, and set about familiarizing ourselves with our new home. I have to say, Leo has outdone himself. There was a giant living room belowdeck, with multiple flatscreen TVs with every game console out there. There were also five hallways that branched off from the living room, each with three big bedrooms. There was also a room full of sex toys. From dildos, to handcuffs, to vibrators, to whips, and even some things I'd never seen before. We all crashes in the living room when we'd each picked out a bedroom. After a few minutes, Drew finally spoke.

"So I guess we should start?"

We all nodded still unsure of things. Then Leo broke the tension in his usual goofy way.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's start fucking!"

We all laughed, and stood up to get a partner. Leo and Annabeth went to his bedroom, Drew was dragging Jason to her room with a pair of handcuffs that she'd somehow gotten, Nico and Piper were also going to his room, already losing clothes before they got there. That left me with Clarisse.

She smirked and walked right up to me.

"Not bad, I guess." She said, smirking as usual. She reached down and gave my crotch a squeeze. "Let's just hope you're better with this than you are with a sword."

I smirked, then picked her up and tossed her over my shoulder. She laughed, and sound I wasn't too accustomed to hearing, and playfully pounded my back as I carried her off to my room.

"Well," I thought. "If I'm not technically going out with Annabeth, then I'm gonna have as much fun, and pussy, as I possibly can!"

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