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The next morning

"Nene hurry up!". Tanya barged into India's room that I was in. I was laying my edges and putting my straightened hair into a messy bun.

"I'm almost done". I told her, staring at her through the mirror.

"You always take too long". Tanya whined, walking further into the room and plopping down on the bed. I was surprised India wasn't woken up by that little jump. She was a heavy sleeper after all.

"No I do not. I'm done, all I need is my purse and we can leave". I informed her, "and keep it down, India still asleep".

"I don't care for that bitch". Tanya rudely said, rolling her eyes. I cut my eyes at her but she wasn't fazed by my look. Honestly i didn't care for their little beef or whatever they had going on between them currently.

"Don't do that." I said, standing up and grabbing all the hair products I used to slick down my hair and placed them back where I found them. I did not want problems with my baby sister, India.

"Anyways let's go before the morning traffic".

"Traffic cleared out dumbass". I said to her, playfully rolling my eyes.

"I knew that!". She squeaks causing a soft laugh to escape my lips. That was the most I laughed nowadays.

I grabbed my purse and followed behind Tanya who walked down the stairs. We were still at our parents house. We had a little sleepover after the dinner; just us siblings.

Tanya led us to the garage where her car was parked in. I noticed her walking towards a brand new car. I hopped in right after her into the white GLE BENZ coupe. The interior black and red and her initials engraved on the seats.

"This is nice". I complimented, trailing my hands down the material of the seat. It was real leather.

"Thank you sis".

"What happened to the Range Rover?". I asked her, sliding my seat belt over my body.

"Oh Hakeem scratched the side of the car and instead of fixing it, he got me a new car". My sister explained to me. Must be nice I thought.

While my sisters were getting expensive gifts and cars and whatnot, all some of us ever got was cheating ass niggas, coming home with cheap ass perfumes on their clothes and flowers for apologizing.

My sister's husband was a famous football player. She got married when she was twenty three which was pretty young in my opinion. They had no kids -they were still trying for one though but other than that they had so much love for each other. They knew each other since high school.

That's how I had envisioned my life to go but I guess not.

"How's he doing by the way?". I asked Tanya, briefly glancing at her.

"He's doing fine, just ready to get back the field". She told me.

"Hmm football season is around the corner ". I stated, "you flying out to be with him this time?". I questioned.

"Yes ma'am".

"How you feel about leaving your job though?".

"I honestly don't want to but when you are in a relationship especially marriage, support goes a long way when it comes to each other's dreams and goals". Tanya told me and it got me thinking how my ex never supported me.

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