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Don't hate me besties 👉🏾👈🏾🥺

As the vacation proceeded, the couple were enjoying themselves. They had visited places, took part into activities such as snorkeling, played some golf which  was a first for Áine and she had so much fine.

They also had candlelit dinner on the beach one of the nights and  took a look of pictures, of cause for memories. But now she couldn't wait to get back home. They nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach did not disappear one bit as much as she tried to push it to the back of her mind.

It was the last day before they were leaving and it was currently raining which they didn't mind. They wanted to end on a very calm, relaxing note.

"Baby?"  Áine interrupted their silence. She had a lot on her mind, especially regarding her pregnancy. She really hoped this time it really worked out. She was growing attached already.


"I was thinking...". She trailed off, looking down at him. Amaru averted his graze from the window and looked up at her. He was sprawled out between her legs.

"About what?". He questioned, giving her his undivided attention.

"I know we talked about this but I just can't help thinking about it".

"About what?". He asked again. Áine took a deep breathe and let him in on her thoughts

"I feel like something bad is going to happen. To me or the baby. I know I shouldn't be thinking or stressing myself about it but I can't stop. I have this unsettled feeling inside me that doesn't seem to go away". She told him causing a frown to grace his face

"How long have you been feeling this way?"  He asked her

"Uhm...since we left for our vacation".

  "Why didn't you tell me?".

"I didn't want you worrying or to cancel our vacation. I know how much it meant to you. To both of us and I didn't want to ruin our time together". Amaru's frown deepened hearing her express herself.

"Is this way you were quick to ask for an abortion?". He questioned.

"Every single time I get pregnant, everything seems to go wrong. I wanted to eliminate the problem before I disappointed either one of us. I wouldn't know what to do if I lost the baby and then you". She told him.

"Look you won't lose either of us. Whatever you may be feeling might be that you are nervous and I want you to know that I am with you every step of the way. I got you, whatever you are going through, don't be afraid to let me know. I love you and you will never have to doubt me being there for you". He expressed causing Áine to sniff, blinking back the tears.

"Babe...", She chuckled to stop herself from crying.

"I mean it. I am with you every step of the way. You know I got you!".

"You know just how you make me feel and I love that. I love you so much that it would hurt to lose you.". She told him, cupping his face and bringing it closer to hers, pecking on him the lips.

"Nah it would hurt me to lose you. You are the best thing to ever happen to me". He confessed, "being with you has been nothing but amazing. Everyday is filled with happiness and I'm at highest when I am with you ".

"You plan on making me cry huh?". She asked with tears streaming down her face.

Wiping her tears with his thumb, and peaking her on the lips multiple times, "I'm just letting you how I feel regardless of what may happen to us".

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