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Six months later

It's been months; six months to be exact, since Áine left and Amaru was left to pick up the pieces by himself. It hurt him that she easily packed her bags and left after she had made a promise to him. To help him get better.

He didn't think she'd leave but then everything in his life was temporary and he learnt to accept that. At the back of his mind, he kind of thought about it but he pushed the thoughts away because he didn't want to seem negative.

But now, it was as if he kind of knew it was going to happen and he should've listened to his intuition. Nevertheless, he pushed himself to get better and it didn't help because he could still hear her voice ringing in his head every time, he felt like giving up. It wasn't a choice to give up either.

With the help of his family, he pushed through every day and now he was in crutches which supported his legs. He wasn't fully healed but he could walk. Just needed the extra support.

He had decided to get back to his normal routine of work and that was what he was going to do. With the help of Noonie dropping him off at his first official day back at work.

"Are you excited ?". Noonie asked, him being his personally chauffeur for the day.

"It's just work baby sis". He blankly responded, going through the paper work for his construction company once again. To say he was nervous for returning was an understatement. But he knew his workers and manager had it under control.

"It's better than being at home and staring at the walls all day".

"Yeah, so much better ". He lowly stated, still sorting through the papers on his lap.

"Why do you sound so nervous?". Noonie chuckled, taking a sharp turn.

"Hey, easy on the driving". He warned her, softly glaring at her.

"Yeah yeah". She waved him off, "not you trying to change the conversation".

"I'm nervous but it's nothing I can't handle". He told her, blowing out a breath. He knew he was going to get pity eyes from people the moment he walked in that building.

"You got this big bro". Noonie told him causing a small smile to grace his face.

I got this, he told himself.

Noonie pulled up at his office, parking right in front of the door.

"Now don't be acting up when I drop you off". Noonie turned to him, and playfully gave him a scolding look.

"Shut up". He mushed her head causing a laugh to escape her lips.

"I'm being forreal Ru". She told him.

"I know Noonie". He chuckled once more.

"Go head then". She said. He smacked his lips and Noonie grabbed his crutches regardless. He opened the door and put his legs out first.

Noonie walked to his side and waited for him to stand outside the car. Once he was comfortable, he grabbed his crutches and put his hands through the opening.

Hearing his soft grunts, Noonie grew concerned, "are you okay? And are you sure you want to do this?". She questioned, looking at him.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me". He reassured her. She stared at him for a while but decided to let him be. He needed this to grow back his confidence.

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