Chapter 10: Hell

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I had them all gathered in the club room again, the herbivores sat close to the carnivores. The relative unease from Tem's death must have subsided. I clear my throat to ready myself for my instruction.

"Carnivore members will be going to have a meeting with the planners for the Meteor Festival, herbivore members will stay here on campus"

"Ex-excuse me, Louis-san, why do herbivores have to stay? We wanna go too"

I roll my eyes, then focus them on the seagull who asked the question.

"Because there was a devouring in the city, a gazelle, so Principal Gon is restricting exit of the premises to carnivores only."

I was getting ready to leave before the thought struck me, and my right foot tingled a little, they should be warned.

"...One more thing..."

I could feel their eyes on me all at once as I spoke, still facing the door. I don't want to see the faces of filthy carnivores talking about something like this. My stomach felt unsettled, shoulders tensed.

"Don't go into the back alley market,"

I left and slammed the door behind me, I hope they heed my warning... Especially the wolf.. I hate how reserved he is with his strength and just.. I expect him to eat meat.

But there's a part of me that really hopes he doesn't get involved with that awful place.

Bill likely already has, I expect him to, the other members I'll keep in mind, but Legosi, there's an itching in the back of my brain. A hopefulness.

I shake my head, enough of that, I have stuff to do other than idle around for a big disappointment of a wolf.


"And then she said 'whenever we have sex you're always in it for yourself!' and then she started crying!" Bill chuckled, which slowly evolved into an hearty laugh.

Tao took a sip of his soda, "you're pretty cold hearted Bill.."

"Ay! Shut up virgin!" He grinned slyly, "speaking of virgins," he wrapped his arm around me in a side 'bro hug', "any bitches you have on your mind? Big bad wolf~"

I shrugged and started sucking on my straw, to which he took as a hint that I wasn't going to answer, so he doubled down

"Or maybe there are some boys you're thinkin' of, an' you're gay? We won't judge"

My face heated up, I hadn't thought too much about this topic until recently, regardless, if I am or am not, he doesn't need to know. Shooting him the evil eye, he finally backs down and continues with Tao and Aoba.

It's nice to finally be out and about, before now, I hadn't been out in.. 4 years?

The city is colorful, animals of all shapes and sizes seem to be more cautious of each other, giving one another side glances as to say, 'don't come any closer', which applies for carnivores and herbivores.

There's a hustle and bustle on the sidewalk, with the occasional avian flying above the towering structures that make up the city to get from point A to B. A rhinoceros is cautious of his steps, canines wag their tails conversing with coworkers on their way to lunch, smaller animals, like mice and fennecs, have a walkway preserved for them, from a bird's eye view, they're ants going in and out of the colony, bumping shoulders with quiet apologies.

"Don't you think we should start heading back now? We've already seen the festival grounds, and it's getting kinda late.." Aoba suggested to Bill, who was still blathering away like the.. vulgar.. tiger he is.

"Whatever ya big baby, we'll get back to the school," true to his word, he got up and was ready to go, "though.. I don't know my way around the city, so we might have to ask for directions."

And there's the catch, I just blinked, keeping my disappointment to myself, standing up quietly.


"Bill..? Are you sure we're going the right way?" Tao had an expression of unease painted across his face.

"That's what the directions we got said."

"We didn't go this way though"

"I know that's what's.. odd.. about.."

"Bill.. did you take us to the Back Alley Market?"

Bill held up his hands in defense, "not intentionally! I- I mean..! Maybe they thought we were looking for it since we're a group of carnivores"

I caught a whiff of something, something that made me feel simultaneously sick and hungry at the same time.


Breathing through my mouth was an attempt to remain calm. Which I had kept doing until they came up with something.

"I mean.. even if we did.. eat something from here, he'd never know right?"


"... What..? Bill? No, we're going back"

"Come on! Don't be such a pussy, stupid dog, you can't tell me you don't want any"

By nature I do, but I won't

I look to Aoba and Tao and silently ask for there backup, they look to Bill then to me, the eagle speaks up, "we're growing up Legosi.. it's gotta happen at some point.."

I shake my head and try to convince them how wrong it is until a voice, gruff and small cuts me off.

"Do.. you.. young men want anything..? My left fingers are 20% off."

Turning towards the voice, my own goes smaller, an anteater sits on the curb, arms crossed. I move closer and lean down to listen, "did you say something sir?"

He reveals his mutilated hands, and I'm frozen from the shock, he reached up and caressed my snout with his middle and index finger, before pulling up the flesh and gently fingering at my fangs. All the while I was forced to stare at his sad expression, black eyes, tainted with pain and desperation, he gave a weak smile.

"You'll bite it off cleanly won't you? One whole bite? My.. look at these fangs"

I want to leave, I need to.

A war drum beat from somewhere

My legs felt wobbly

The smell is.. rancid and enticing all at once

Breathing is getting ragged, I can't see, where am I again?

I back up and bolt off away from the scent, only to be met with more of the same.

Lanterns hang from clothing lines, animals shouting "fresh rabbit and venison!" Carnivores leaving stands looking sickly satisfied, looks like a festival, that was the first thought I was able to grab onto in the fast lane if my mind.

I covered my nose, drool leaks from my clamped-down mouth.

I dive into an alley and let it all spill up, drool and bile altogether, the stomach contents from late lunch somewhere in there too.

Breathe.. breathe.. please..

I.. I

I grip each arm with the opposite hand, gripping until blood leaks down, sharp claws pushing at my muscle.

Why would they do that..? Don't they ever think of the families of the dead? Their herbivore friends? Other animals out there who suffer from carnivores like them and I? How could they.. eat meat and keep up their smiles to their supposed friends.. s-sickening.. I-I'm no better.. same as them.. a disgusting.. carnivore..

Breathe.. in




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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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