Chapter 5: The Smell of Iron, and The Taste of Tears

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It was dark, but of course, I could see fine. I could see the pillars that uphold part of the auditorium, the ones I had been between the night before Tem's murder. Once again a felt the moon, heard the fountain, saw through the newly formed mist that was cool against my fur.

Louis could have gone himself with Zoe, he is really powerful in terms of the status, any security that could possibly find him wouldn't do much about it, probably let him off with a light warning. But there's a murderer around, Legosi, remember that. My subconscious whispered to me fuzzily. It's right, I'm right, there is a murderer blending in with everyone else as if they hadn't done anything wrong. They're probably suffering from immense guilt, that or they want more herbivore meat. Which means they might come for Louis and Zoe. I'm glad to protect them then. I can't let them die just like Tem. Herbivores are such fascinating and admirable creatures.

My ears flick around as I hear a slight sound, it could be someone approaching, so I lunge at one of the pillars and hide behind it. As I look to where I was previously standing.. it was just a bug, a small cricket.

"Oh.. I'm sorry little guy, what are you doing out here, it's a bit late isn't it?"

I take a couple cautious steps forward, I don't want to scare the little guy, and crouch low to the ground holding out my hand, to which the cricket brushes against it. I already feel much more relaxed about the situation I'm in, keeping guard and all, I have a little bug friend here now with me.

And there we sat in silence, a comfortable silence. No longer eerie and anxious


Fuck! Fuck my leg gahh!! This fucking kid was way too careless with his steps and now I'm paying for it "Zoe, get Legosi.. I might need the dog's help" which he obliges, and I'm alone, still hearing Zoe's steps fading as he sprinted up the stairs to get to the backstage exit door. God I'm so pitiful, I can't even get up. It's quiet, way too quiet, until I hear heavy footfalls thank god Legosi is finally here but it wasn't, actually. Within the dim atmosphere I can make out a large carnivore..

That's not Legosi, that's not Legosi

It grips my leg, and I can feel it's claws dig into my leg just above my ankle blood seeps from it, all I can feel is a deep burn, as if I was burnt with a clothing iron. Pain. Pain. Ow-ow-ow fuck! He starts to drag me across the ground before whipping me up and over his shoulder, I feel like I'm gonna vomit.

I huff and puff, my leg burns with the heat of the core of the Earth, fuck! Who even is this? I know it's a carnivore but who? I can hear more heavy footfalls, quick ones, I'm not moving though so it must be...Legosi... I can feel the animal holding me jump as if he were startled and he tossed me to the ground, I'm dazed. It's getting... blurry...


"Louis!! Louis!! Are you okay!?" I run out onto the stage and hop down, A scent hits my nose. Oh no, oh no oh no. Louis is approximately 13 meters away from the initial puddle, with intermittent drops of blood up to where Louis lie unconscious. Please don't be dead, please don't, this isn't just a stage incident, something bad happened. I tell Zoe to stay nearby, there's blood after all, there's something going on here, and rush over to Louis, getting down on my knees, shyly kneading the cheeks of his face, patting him, wake up Louis, you're strong, you're strong. I blink hard, my eyes are wet.

"Louis! Hey, hey c'mon, Louis can you hear me?!"

I start to sniffle and I wipe my eyes, why exactly am I though? It doesn't matter right now, I need to help Louis. I scoop him up off the ground, and exclaim to Zoe to hold onto my pocket at the very least, as he can't see, and I quickly shuffle over to the leader room, and set him down on the couch, rummaging around in the room to find some sort of supplies, bandages, hydro-peroxide, okay okay. I turn back to him, and quickly set the stuff on the table, examining his wounds. It's.. just his leg but why did he pass out? Did it hurt that bad? I feel him up a little, his chest and stomach.. it's squishier than it probably should be, I'd imagine it to be soft, not squishy. A broken rib maybe? Did he crack his sternum? His spine? Ah! Shit!! I don't have time for this.

I take the chemical and with a spare bandage, dab lightly at the wound, before taking another one and wrapping it around his leg, for the torso, I take off my vest and put it on him to at the very least pad the area. I don't even know if that would work.. at least his leg is okay, in terms of protection. I scoop him back up once more, bringing him swiftly to the main herbivore building, Zoe following behind swiftly.

He'll be okay, he'll be okay, it's just a leg wound right? Which it was, essentially, but I couldn't stop the worry from seeping from by brain.

Hopefully they let a carnivore into the herbivore building... and hopefully they don't think I did this.

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