Chapter 1: Through the Eyes of a Monster

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"It's dark out tonight" I mumbled to myself

Nobody comes out after sundown due to the curfew that's been set for all Cherryton students. However, for me, tonight was a special case.

I felt restless, I tossed and turned in my sleep, nightmares plagued my every unconscious moment. I have had just about enough of it.

So I came here, and sat on the steps of the auditorium between the tall pillars upholding the building, listening to the distant trickle of water from the fountain. Letting the feeling of the lukewarm air wash over me, the soft light of the celestial body gently shining on my fur. The rough fur of a carnivore.

Why was I born a carnivore? In this society they have no place anywhere. All I am is this big scary monster, even to other carnivores, those being of smaller stature of course. Herbivores are afraid to even look at me, I can smell the beginnings of sweat on their brow whenever I'm near.

At least they know nothing of my biology, otherwise my back would be breaking with the weight of being a hybrid too. Fortunately I haven't suffered from such hatred just yet. As of now it's just my monstrous build as an animal.


Without incident I make it back to my dorm and snuck inside as to not awake any of my friends. The moon was truly my aid tonight, for once I feel fatigued.

As I lay in my bed, facing the cold wall, consciousness fading. My rough tongue glides across my teeth. I can taste the enamel of my terrifying fangs. It's very faint but always there as a constant reminder of what I am. I rest my eyes as I'm lulled into the warm arms of sleep.


"Wake up Legosi!" Collot opened the drapes, the light of the sun shining into my little safe space. I pry my own eyes open to look at his smiling face and hidden eyes

"I'm up, Collot, I'll get ready in a moment"


As promised I got ready for the day, silently listening to the idle talk of my roommates. What's going on in class, what the menu will be, what to do when a break hits, everything that's the usual.

We made our way outside in a little wall formation, starting with me and ending with Collot with Voss on his shoulder. More chit chat between friends as there was before.

Jack has been glancing at me on and off, and I'm concerned he wants to tell me something, but, I'll wait for his own words rather than trusting my judgement.

Students from the other dormitories exited from their rooms and gave the occasional wave at us, gazes quickly averted once their eyes landed on me. While we made our way to the cafeteria for breakfast, I could smell the baking bread, hear the scrambling of the eggs, and feel myself drool over the synthetic steak made from protein based food products.

That's the usual breakfast here, for carnivores. We need proteins because of what we are, technically, we need meat. I shiver at such a thought, but it's true. If we were to eat the same as herbivores we would die off quickly, all of us. I enjoy the food here, it's not awful, but it's also not luxury. However, food is food.

One by one we each get a tray, and settle at a table. Jack, by my side, glances again at me. Curiosity takes hold of my mouth before my brain even has a chance to counteract it,

"What.. what is it Jack? What has you eyeing me so much today?"

"Are you alright Legosi?"

"Yes, Jack", I mumble, "why is it you ask?"

"You snuck out last night, I heard. What was with that?"

I think for a moment, there was no real reason besides my restlessness, sure, yeah, that's it. I think so, anyways.

"I.. couldn't sleep, so I went out for a little while to hopefully tucker myself out with a little stroll"

He sat there silently for a moment, a twinge of concern in his puppy-like eyes before he finally sighs, relieved, "okay Legosi"

We ate quietly for the next couple dozen minutes, before finally cleaning up, and preparing for our next class. I make my way to the first, a slouch in my posture, hands balled in loose fists to hide my claws.

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