Chapter 7: Adler's Grim Hand (Isn't so Grim at all!)

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I, Legosi the grey wolf, am going to regret this day, and I swear it. I go back on my statement, Louis cannot perform.

During the first performance, the stitches that brought his nerve endings and blood vessels together, which I later learned were indeed harmed that night, tore, and he needs more time in the Infirmary. I was cast to take one of the villain roles, as the prior, Bill the bengal tiger, will be taking Louis'.

I'm way too nervous for this, I've never acted in my life, I-I-I m-mean how hard can it be right? I'm always in control of my emotions, and th-thats like half the work!

Dom comforts me as I damn near have a mental breakdown, and Bill is preparing for his big role. He comes over to one of the stagehands beside me.. and I catch a whiff of something, something distinct, it smells a little of Louis, a scent I can't forget. But why?

It smells like metal, as if I ate a yen coin.

Iron, it's iron

From blood, herbivore blood

I stand up slowly, with cautious eyes, and stare Bill down, Dom appraises me and pats my back for seemingly getting over my breakdown.


"Yeah Legosi what is it?"


He turns his head and looks at me finally, he notices what I'm getting at, and he nervously shouts, "Uhhm hold on, I have to use the restroom!"

I promptly jog after him out of the room, and break into a sprint when we leave the backstage area, until we hit the bathroom, and I corner him inside.

He gives me some dumb quip about if I'm going to come onto him I should take him to dinner first.

I rush at him, and shove him against the wall of the bathroom, "You know what it is don't you? Someone gave it to me, and told me to use it when I needed it.. now seems like the perfect time, it's justified doping!"

One thought pounded in my mind with every breath I had taken Louis, Louis, Louis. What Bill has is deer blood, not Louis', but deer blood regardless, and Louis was the only thing to come to mind. I recognize it from when I had to take care of him after he was attacked, the scent of his blood flooded my nose with every inhalation that night.

"You've smelled this before haven't you? Maybe on our lead actor huh? He was attacked by a carnivore, likely by you."

At this, my fur bristled, how dare he accuse me of such a thing! I wouldn't, not to Louis-Senpai, or any herbivore for that matter. "Bill," I clench my fists, "as a carnivore, I understand your actions, but I will not advocate for them" especially not this. I added mentally, everytime I take in the scent I remember Louis, I remember that night, he was helpless and would have died then and there, had I not been nearby. It's wrong to use herbivore flesh and blood anyways, my own blood boils in my veins. I'll do this for Louis-Senpai. "If this to you, is justified, then you will pay for this."

He gave me a look as he blew it off and went back to the stage, I look at myself in the mirror, I haven't gotten my costume on yet or at least not all of it. I look into the mirror at my own eyes. A black shadow traces my form, and my image blackens, he smiles at me. My breathing became heavier as a mild fear began creeping in.

"Deer blood huh? Sounds appetizing, doesn't it Legosi? Herbivore blood, the meat on their fragile bones, you yearn for it don't you, Legosi, heh heh"

I slam my fist into the mirror, it shatters and glass rains upon my hand, small cuts form in my knuckles, and noticing this, I pull my hand away. The shards tumble into the sink, and the mirror is now just a window to the wall. A hole in the center, where my head would be. The dark outline recedes from what's left of my reflection.

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