Chapter 3: Food Chain

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This morning started off, very, very bad.

Tem the alpaca, a member of the drama club, my friend, was murdered and eaten last night. This I heard while watching the commotion of the police near Cherryton school. My roomates chased down an aloof herbivore over to the site, they further confirmed what happened.

I will repeat this again, in the Cherryton Academy, Lecture hall number three, Tem the alpaca was killed and eaten. He had so many regrets, so many things he still wanted to do, just yesterday before we left to our dorms he was contemplating giving the love letter...

I'll remove your regrets, Tem


The day has been gloomy, even the carnivores look depressed. Throughout every class every student was looking off to the side, holding back tears, or just generally wasn't even there. Most of these reactions weren't for Tem, but more rather what would happen because he was killed. The drama club will probably be the same now that I think about it. I arrived early, so I wouldn't have to deal with it head on, and got up on my perch, with the lights. The room with no one in it now would look less sorrowful than with the other members here.

Everything looks peaceful still, despite what happened last night. Who would want to kill an herbivore like Tem anyways? He was always friendly to carnivores, he didn't let his fear get the best of him, and if he did, he would vocalize and not act upon.

Reality's fingers flicked my ear once I heard a click from one of the doors. The first to enter, was none other than my upperclassmen, Louis. I don't know much of him besides what my instinctual 'size up' tells me. He's rich obviously that much is clear. As well as he's a great actor, I take pleasure in watching his performances from behind the curtains. Through his acting I can see his strength, a strength I can't possess. Though I don't think anyone can be so strong without having a vulnerability somewhere. He can't be as closed off as he seems. He as a being and as a person is mesmerizing to me. My tail pulsed a little at the thought.

He turns to me while I'm lost in my little world again and shouts up to me like he had yesterday, "Dog, aren't you in charge of the lights?"

I blink, processing the information, leaning forward ever so slightly in my crouched position, "Y-yes Louis-senpai, I have been.. since I was recruited in the drama club.. during my middle school years"

"I hadn't asked for a story, Mutt, I asked for your position. Anyways, since that's so, I need you to meet me in the leader room tomorrow to discuss the lighting fixtures for the.. per..for..mance"

I watched in silence as he drooped his head a little at the utterance of the last word. I know what he's thinking. He held his head up high once again and rushed over to the leader room. At that one moment, when he let his guard down, I could swear he looked like a normal 18 year old boy should.. or maybe I'm imagining things.

Not too long after, the other students came in, surprisingly, there were none missing. What was missing, though, was the mutual understanding between species.

When a carnivore student went into the locker room, the herbivores stayed outside. In all honesty I don't blame them.


They're just.. staring. Carnivores on one side, herbivores on the other. I guess a predation act would do such a thing to once closely-knit people. They haven't said a word since it started. Utter silence, with the drums of prejudice marching closer.

"I bet one of you damn carnivores did it!"

"Oh really?! You herbivores are all the same, playing the victim card!"

The two erupt in an argument about everything and nothing in particular. I let out a silent huff, I'm used to being quiet. At this point we're going to have a domestic carniherbi-war. Wait.. I see a familiar face in the crowd of herbivores. The one I needed to see. Els. I need a distraction.

I carefully tug at the plug for the lights, all goes dark. I can still see perfectly fine. The carnivores looked nervous for a moment. Some almost rushed into the crowd of herbivores, but not for taboo intentions, likely to protect from any anomalous attack. The herbivores, instead of anxiety, their fear was present as clear as day. They looked around blindly and huddled together closer. Such a sickly sweet reaction for such an amazing species. My small pupils still focused on my target, the little angora goat. I restart the lights back up, and muster up the courage to speak.

"S-sorry, there was an.. issue with the lights"

A bengal tiger, Bill looked back at the still huddled herbivores, and the sweating carnivores before resting his feline eyes upon me once again

"L-Legosi? Weren't you friends with Tem?"

Yes.. of course I was.

"Why don't you come down from there?"

Keep your courage, me, it's alright. Just tell them. Upon touching the ground, I scan the room, speaking softly.

"I think.. he had many regrets..
There were still many things he wanted to do."

As if accusing me of such a foul murder, Bill almost shouts

"H-how could you know that?"

I don't want them to know about the letter, you're a quick thinker Legosi, come on

"... Anyone would feel that way if they were to die suddenly...Els..?"

"Huh? O-oh, yes?"

"...How do you feel about Tems death..? Were you sad..?"

She looked at me with a very well known expression to my unnatural eyes. Fear.



It was fairly early into the night, still dark though, the wispy hands of the moonlight intertwining themselves with each patch of fur that was exposed on my body. It's time I do my part, in lifting a weight away from atop Tems spirit. I hold the envelope in my too-big hands, tracing the writing with the claw of my thumb. 'to Els, from Tem' it says, the rest is on the inside. Speaking of her, she's sprinting back to the rehearsal room, I know she won't make it before I do.


"What's wrong.. Els..? You didn't even turn on the lights.."

I could see her small figure doused in the spotlight, I give a short monologue about how Tem should have been the one under it. Upon this she backs away as any Herbivore would. Spitting hatred on carnivores, and how we're all monsters. Sometimes I forget that, I'm a monster, especially with a lot on my mind as there was today. What a funny sight it is to see a small animal pointing scissors at me as if they could defend themselves if I were to attack them. I'm sorry for scaring you, Els, please forgive me.

I just have to get her to listen, to show her I'm no threat. Walking towards her slowly, I grip her wrist gently, and hold it up to avoid getting stabbed. Oh.. oops.. the letter lightly falls to the ground with a skid. She can clearly read whom it's from and whom it's to.


Upon addressing the misunderstanding, and speaking to eachother for a short while, we went our separate ways. I think about what I'd just done. I gave her a love letter, from a dead boy. Love. Is that what kept you from giving the letter, Tem? Were you so enamored by her that she had you by the tongue? I wish I could ask. I've never felt anything like that before and I'm afraid I won't. I've never really thought about it before right now, at least not as long as right now. Nothing more than a passing thought.

Goodnight, Tem

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