How it all Begins

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Not our drawing :)

~Deku's POV~
I'm walking home from Aldera Junior High. I feel pain in the back of my head, then all I see is black...
~Eri's POV~
I see Overhaul drag a boy with green and black hair in. He had a black outfit and Overhaul was dragging him by his collar. I realized it was a school uniform. He is unconscious... Overhaul laid him next to me and says, " Make him feel at home Eri... He is going to be here for a while." as he walks out of the room. This boy looks young but not very young. I hesitated before I put my hand on his. He was warm... What did he want with him... He had me so why the new boy...? I don't want him to go through the same thing's as me...
A few minutes later
Deku's POV
I woke up in a dim room. I hear a little gasp come from the side of me. I slowly get up, my head still hurting from whatever happened to me. I look around to find where the gasp came from. I see a little girl with wavy, long, sky blue hair. She had a pale yellow horn. She had red eyes... kinda like Kacchan's. She looked scared and about ready to cry... "What's wrong? Who are you? Where are we?" I asked trying not to come out harsh, I doubt I did, I probably looked about ready to cry as well. Her face looked a bit more relaxed as she stuttered over her words," I-I'm Eri, and y-you're at h-h-his l-layer..." Poor Eri seemed anxious and terrified when she said him. I didn't want to scare her more so I didn't ask who "he" was, but it kept crossing my mind. I look around the room once more. I turn back to her to see she was shivering a bit. "You seem cold..." I said as a gesture for her to come to hug me as I open my jacket a bit. "I-I'm ok..." she said. I could tell she was lying so I took off my school jacket and put it around her. She was shocked because she looked up at me and said," B-but you'll get cold!" She looked at the thin white T-shirt I was wearing. "Don't worry I'll be fine," I said in a comforting voice. She slowly nodded and sat on the floor, playing with the sleeves of my jacket.


~Eri's POV~


The boy seems super nice. I hope Overhaul doesn't hurt him. I don't want anything bad happening to him. I wonder if what his name is or what quirk he has. Should ask him? I turn my head to face the boy, as I do Overhaul enters the room. I look at the boy and he looks terrified. I try to reach up to him but Overhaul grabs my arm. "Eri why don't you go get our guest some water and bandages while I err talk to him?" Overhaul is acting weird. I comply and leave the room to get the supplies.



~3rd person pov~ (trigger warning: Blood and mild torture)

Once Eri closes the door behind her Overhaul chains Deku up to the bed he was lying on. "Who are you? What do you need? Where am I?" Deku kept questioning while pulling at the chains. "You are full of questions aren't you, my little cutie?" "Don't call me that!" Deku yells. Overhaul walked towards the freaked-out child with a knifepoint one hand and a torch in the other. " Do you know what happens when someone is disrespectful to me?" Overhaul hovered the knife over Deku's left arm. "THIS HAPPENS!" He stabbed the knife making blood gush out. Deku held his tongue trying not to scream. Overhaul pulled the knife out and stabbed it to his right thigh. Deku couldn't stop the scream from escaping his mouth. Overhaul pushed the torch over his right leg, burning a spot on his pants and skin. "AAAHHHHH" Deku felt miserable and enormous pain. Eri hears the scream and rushes over to see him bleeding and Overhaul about to stab him again. "STOP! Please" Eri said as tears started to fall down her cheeks. Overhaul stopped himself, turning around to see the sobbing child. "DONT YOU EVER INTERRUPT ME AGAIN YOU BRAT!" Overhaul hollowed at the sobbing child, making her cry harder. "pl-leas-se stop-p" Deku choked out. "HAHA even though you're the one being tortured you ask me to stop yelling at Eri? Very well. Eri, leave the room or I will deal with you myself." Overhaul commanded. Still shaking, Eri stumbled towards the door. "Don't be mean to the nice boy" she whispered before leaving. She was waiting outside the door as Overhaul kept torturing the boy. She sobbed the whole time, begging for it to stop. 

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