First Night With Class 1A

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~Mr. Aizawa's POV~


Eri pulled me to the side saying, "I need to tell you a secret about Deku..." I agreed as we walked out of the class. "What is it Eri?" I asked confused. " Deku is scared of thunder... he gets so scared he freezes up. " she says hesitantly. "Do you know why and what helps?" I asked concerned. "I don't know why but I do know what helps!" she exclaimed. "He needs to be cuddled. At least that what I do that helps. Oh, and he also can be pet." She explained. "Ok, who do you think we should tell?" I asked again. "The guy who came into my room with Deku. He had white and red hair." she tried to explain. "Ok?" I said questionably, but I trust her fully on this since I don't know much about him.



~Todoroki's POV~


I get pulled aside during class today while everyone was talking and questioning what the dorms are going to look like. I walk outside the classroom. I look down behind Mr. Aizawa and I see Eri playing with the stuffed animal Aizawa got her. "Hey Todoroki, I need you to do something. Deku is scared of thunder, we don't know why so don't ask. I need you to cuddle him, pet him to do whatever to comfort him." Mr. Aizawa says. Before I could say anything Eri chimes in, "He also freezes up, and in between the thunders he goes into the closest corner, even if it's close to a window." "I'll do it. Especially because there is a storm tonight." I said. Mr. Aizawa's face went scared. "You and Deku will share a dorm because of the storms I'll go tell everyone they can have a dorm partner," he says as he walks back into the classroom.



~Time Skip~


~Todoroki's POV~


Everyone has got settled into the dorms with their partner. Deku is on his bed fidgeting with his fingers. "Are you ok?" I ask concerned. "Huh? Oh ya, I'm just nervous about the storm tonight." He mumbled still fidgeting. "If it makes you feel better you can come to lay with me tonight," I said careful not to show him how I know about the cuddling. "It's ok Todoroki-kun I don't want to bother you. " He blurted. I tried convincing him but he kept saying he will be fine. He looked scared and I just couldn't let him be like that all night. I pick him off his bed bridal style and sit him down on my bed. "Not so bad Deku is it?" "no" he sighed in defeat. "What's wrong?" "I don't know I guess it's just how nice you are being to me even though we just-" A flash of thunder interrupted Deku and he jumped, gripping onto my arm. His face was buried in my chest. My face starting going red. Wait why am I blushing? I ignore my thoughts and rub circles on Deku's back with my free hand. "It's ok Deku, you're safe." I comforted him. He slowly took his head off my chest and sat back down next to me. I felt sad when he did this. "w-we sh-hould go t-to sle-ep" Deku stammered. I nod and lay on the edge of the bed. Deku lays down after me, staring at the ceiling. Another loud crash of thunder fills the room and Deku hugs me again, looking like he is about to cry. I hug him back and comfort him. Once he calms down I don't let go of him, instead, we just stay hugging. His face is buried in between my neck and shoulder. It fits perfectly. His arms are on either side of me and our legs are a tangled mess. I feel safe with him. I wrap my own arms around his waist, letting him know I'm still there. He moves around trying to get comfortable, once he is he lays his head back on my chest. "Todoroki you're a nice pillow" Deku mumbles, turning red right after he said it. 



~Deku's POV~

I DID NOT JUST SAY THAT OUT LOUD! Now he thinks your a pervert. Great going Deku, just great! Todoroki starts laughing, his chest moving up and down. I buried into his shirt. "Sorry" I whisper embarrassed. "No, it's fine, as long as your comfortable." He replies in a happy voice. I smile and feel my embarrassment going away. If it's fine with him then why are my cheeks still red? My breathing is speeding up. AM I DYING? 'It's just nerves.' I assure myself. "Deku is it ok if I pet your hair?" Todoroki suddenly asks. He's looking up at the ceiling. "G-Go a-ahe-ead," I reply.  His hands brush the tips of my hair. After a couple of seconds, he is playing with my hair. I feel his hand on my head sometimes and it is soft and comforting. I feel my eyes getting heavy and decide to rest them. 



~Todoroki's POV~

While I'm petting Deku's hair he falls asleep on top of me. He is adorable! I don't think I've known anyone like him, he seems perfect. 'Stop thinking about that! He is not gay!' I think knowing I have no hope with Deku. Even if I don't, I need to protect this precious cinnamon roll with my life.  As I move my hand to rub his head someone starts knocking at the door. I sigh and carefully place Deku on my bed trying not to wake him up. He is still sleeping when I open the door. "Hey, Todoroki-kun! I was wondering if I could talk to Midoriya" Ochako Uraraka squealed, sounding way too excited. "Urarake you are being too loud and he fell asleep." I say keeping my voice monotoned. "oh ok tell him I want to talk to him before class tomorrow. Bye!" She runs away before I could say anything. I sigh again and lock the door. I'm debating on sleeping with Deku or on his bed. Before I could decide another loud crash of thunder fills the room. Deku wakes up instantly and curls up into a ball. I rush towards him, comforting him. We lay back down in our previous position. Deku's breathing steadies and small snores escape him indicating he is sleeping. I relax and fall asleep with Deku in my arms. 

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