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A/N: Heyy apologies for not writing. We had a ton of stuff happening so yea. Get ready to cry. Anyways here's this chapter.

Todoroki's POV:

Fuck. I don't remember anything that happened. I heard fighting last. Did the pro hero's come? I can't open my eyes. Where am I? A door just opened.
"Deku here are your notes from today!" Who was that? At least I know I'm not with the LOV. I try opening my eyes but I can't move a muscle.
"Thank you Uraraka-San!" So that's her name.
"No problem! Um, Deku are you sure you don't want to come to class? Everyone's been waiting to see you."
"Sorry, Uraraka-San but I rather stay with Todoroki until he wakes up. It is my fault he got kidnapped." He whispered the last part under his breath, I don't think Uraraka could hear it. Deku you didn't do anything wrong. I protected you and I always will. I wish I could get up and give you all my love bunny.

Midoriya's POV:
Uraraka just left the hospital room Shoto is staying in. Shoto come on please wake up. I miss you. Suddenly the beeps start going faster and faster.  What's happening?!? The doctors and nurses rush in and start doing procedures. I back up to a corner in the room and cover my ears. "please be ok." "Don't leave" "No no no no not yet" "You're not ready, I'm not ready" I say to myself. I curl up in the corner sobs slowly leaving my mouth. Tears drip down to the floor but its the last thing I care about right now. 

Todoroki's POV:
My heart is pounding so hard. My chest is in pain. I can feel my conscience drifting away. I wanna live, please. I'll take care of Deku. I'll try harder. I don't want to die. I feel doctors trying to help me. Someone crying in the corner. I NEED TO GET UP. I made him sad. Shit. I'm slipping. My time is ending. Goodbye, my bunny. I'll see you in another lifetime.

Midoriya's POV:
The bed starts shaking and I hear the line slowing down. "NO!" I jump up from my position and rush to the bed. "No no no no come on sho. Don't leave me goddamn it. Sho you are the only one I have please wake up. " I sob harder gripping onto his arm. "Sir I'm sorry but your gonna have to leave, the doctors are gonna keep trying. " A nurse calmly says. she puts her hands on my shoulders. "I-i can-nt le-eave him" I choke out. "It will be alright. Let's call your father." She slowly leads me out no matter how hard I try going back to him. She leads me into a different room near the waiting room to let me be alone and call my dad. 

"Hello? Who is this?" A voice says through the line. I can't recognize it.He sounds around my age.  I try swallowing my tears.

"Izu-uk-ku Aiz-zawa. D-do yo-u m-mi-mind giv-ving the ph-hone to Se-ense-ei Aiz-z a-zawa" I stumble on my words. 

"ok here" I hear some mumbling and someone else starts talking. 

"Izuku are you alright? Do you need me to come over?" A worried dad starts talking. 

"Yes," I say holding make tears. 

"On my way." He hung up. 

I pace around the room trying to calm myself and pray for the best. All these negative thoughts overwhelm me and I have to make sure I do not destroy the building. Finally, the door opens and my dad comes rushing in and swallows me in a hug. "I heard from a doctor" he states. His voice sounds sad. I stand there for a second until burying my face in his chest where the scarf can hide me. We separate after a long moment and I see there is someone near the door. He seems misplaced. "Hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya. You are?" I question trying to sound happier. Doesn't work very well. "I know, call me Shinsou" he bluntly replies. Dad glares at him. Once he turns to me he replies to my mental questions. "Shinsou was with me patroling for training. We were driving to the nearby market when we got your call."  I give a small nod in return. "We should all sit down. I have a feeling we'll be here for a bit." I whisper. They got the message and all sat. Both of them giving me  a remorse look. 

Shinsou's POV:

I just met this kid and w]he seems like a total trainwreck. Aizawa explained to me how the first person to make him feel safe and stuff sacrificed himself and he is now in the hospital. It feels like I'm intruding on his privacy. 

-Time skip: 30 minutes-

After waiting for the longest time in the upsetting environment a nurse comes in. He asks to talk to Sensei Aizawa first. After five minutes he comes back in looking, even more, gloomier than ever. I turn my head to the kid and literally feel his heart shatter. Guess he could tell. I ran up to him and hugged him. It feels like the right thing to do right now. I don't let go and he hugs me back, sobbing into my shoulder. This must feel horrible for him. 

Midoriya's POV:  

No no no no god please no. It's been such a short time. The person that came is hugging me. I can't stop my tears. It's too much. Can time stop for just a moment? Could we have more days together? I will never hear his laughter, smell the amazing scent he gave of or the way his eyes light up when he smiled. I nudge Shinsou so I could get up. I slowly make my way to his room. Tears staining my face. I open the door. Here lies my boyfriend's dead body. Fuck I can't do this. I make my way to his body. Seconds ticking at the clock. The doctors gave me space to say goodbye.  I look into his empty eyes. Not a spark remains anymore. I kiss him for the last time. Barely holding the crying inside me. I leave the room after holding his hand and saying my final goodbye. I feel all my happiness leave with him. Goodbye, my love. 

A/n: Did you get sad? This wasn't the ending we were expecting but the story gradually moved along as life does. (TW: talk about death) These are only fictional characters. You could go to another story for a happy ending or even a sadder one. What is not fiction is the people around you. Saying goodbye is the hardest task ever. I just want you all to know memories last but once they are gone that's all you have. You will never hear their voice or feel their presence. They will be gone. So will I and everyone else. 

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