The Kidnapping Part 2

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*A/N: WE ARE SO SORRY WE HAVEN'T BEEN WRITING!!! We have a major writing block so we haven't been keeping our original schedule. We will try to write more.* 



Aizawa's POV:
Todoroki, Izuku, and I were about to go check on Toga before Izuku randomly ran off. He seemed... not himself... I see Izuku and Todoroki walking back towards me. Izuku has tears in his eyes. I rush over to them and hold Izuku in a firm hug. He tenses up slightly not hugging back. I slowly pull back holding onto his shoulders. His face has a mixture of confusion and fear implanted. "Izuku what's wrong?" I ask him concerned. He opens his mouth to talk but nothing comes out. He tries a couple more times before letting out an inaudible sigh. 'My voice is mute. One of Overhaul's minions is here messing with me' He signs in sign language. Am I glad I took the classes with Present Mic?  I thought to myself. "Do you know where the minion could be?" I ask him. 'no' he signs back. "I have an idea of where they could be" Todoroki interferes. "Have you just been standing there?" I say a little irritated. I hear Todoroki gulp before continuing. "Inside the dorms somewhere. In the second corridor, Deku would always freeze up or come closer to me as in hiding. Right, when we turn the corner he goes back to normal forgetting what happened." 

"Ok, I'll have some people check the dorms. I need you two with me to interrogate Toga. Apparently, she won't talk until she sees 'my precious Zu Zu'" I tell the two, sounding like Toga at the end. Izuku has a mortified facial expression on him as we start to walk. I give Todoroki a 'Protect this child' look which he catches on and walks side by side of Izuku as we walked into the area we captured Toga. As we go through the halls you could hear her devious laughter. We continue to walk I glance over to see Izuku trembling. Todoroki stays close by him with a protective glance looking towards where Toga is.  Once we get to the interrogation room the girl in questioning starts singing this awful song. 

Todoroki's POV:

Every step we get closer and closer to Toga I can feel Deku getting more scared. I hold onto his hand tighter to let him know I'm here but he doesn't get the gesture and is still petrified. Once we get outside the room Toga starts singing and Deku jumps behind me. Aizawa quickly turns around to make sure he is ok. I give him a small nod and turn toward him to comfort Deku. I can hear parts of the song going " Zuzu can you come with me if you don't you will be a bit bloody". This was going to be a great interrogation. I hug Deku giving him a reassuring smile. Aizawa gestures for one of the guards to open the door, he walks in motioning us to follow. Toga was giggling but once she saw us walk in her creepy song. The more I hear it the more it sounds like a disoriented lullaby. (a/n: Imagine this in Barney's I love you song melody) Her song would go "I love you you hate me, Zuzu can you come with me if you don't you will be a bit bloody let's be a happy family. Won't it be fun to throw knives aimed at your leg each time-" I stopped listening to help Deku off the ground. He was shaking insanely covering his ears muttering something. I crouch down beside him and reach out to pick him up. Toga finally stops singing at this point, I don't even want to know what she looks like right now. I pick Deku up so his legs are around my waist and he is facing me. He was shocked at first, then slowly rested his head on my shoulder. His face was in my neck. I turned to face Aizawa and Toga, who was now deviously smiling at us. I glared at her with murder in my eyes and her smile slowly faded away. With Deku still in my hands, I sat down in one of the chairs across the table. Aizawa next to me and Toga across from us. 

"Well should we get this started"

That never happened instead Toga started singing.

I love you you hate me, Zuzu can you come with me if you don't you will be a bit bloody let's be a happy family. Won't it be fun to throw knives aimed at your leg each time? *silent pause* *insane giggling**  humming a scary lullaby*

She stopped humming when I heard Deku growl...  I realized what was happening when I saw Kirigiri's portal. They were here for Deku and Toga. I push Deku off of me as I go through the portal.

Deku's POV: 

I felt Todorok push me off him when I saw him disappear into the portal. I landed on the table while Dad was trying to get them back but it was too late. Everything went blank I couldn't control my body but I could see clearly. I was running towards town out of campus. I got to an abandoned warehouse. The League of Villains... "Come any closer and I will!" Shigraki said wiggling his middle finger toward and away from Todoroki's neck. He tossed Todoroki to Toga and started to walk closer to me. Todoroki then attacked Shigaraki. He froze his hands so he wouldn't touch me. They must have planned this because Toga instantly stabbed his leg. This made my rage overflow. "You motherfucker." I said as I lifted Toga and Shigaraki into the air.  *A/N: They are about to go YEET*  I threw them into the walls and ran toward Todoroki. Dabi was quick to use his flames towards me. "BITCH YOU KNEW THE PLAN WAS TO USE FLAME ON SHOTO TODOROKI!!!!!" I heard Shigaraki yell. Twice at the same time used his quirk to duplicate Dabi. He was gonna follow the plan... I was shocked to find Dabi had ran in front of Todorki and used his flame to stop Twice's flame. "Get him out of here, NOW!" Dabi yelled as he continued to block the flames. I did as he said and grabbed Todoroki, and damn he was heavier than I thought. As I was carrying him out I looked behind to see Dabi struggling. Damn it! I thought as I place Todoroki outside and ran to help Dabi. I used my Invisibility Sheilds to protect Dabi. "Come on the shields won't last long!" I yelled. He started to run as Twice's quirk deactivated? I see a scarf tie Twice as I see my dad kick him hard in the face. Toga went to attack dad when I used my Telekinesis to throw her into Shigaraki. Dad, Todoroki, Dabi, and I escaped. As we ran back to UA I told dad about Dabi and what he did. Dad decided he was allowed to stay out of jail if he behaved.   *A/N: Lol it sounds like he is a dog or something!*  We went straight to recovery girl to fix up Todoroki. Everyone left except me because he was still asleep.' 

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