3K 102 18

Atlanta, Georgia
Renard Wheat

After closing my back door, I let my dogs run around the house freely. Nia was in the living room on her phone with her thot ass friends, I swear I don't like them bitches. We not in a official relationship but she know she belongs to me. "Tell them bitches you not going when them when you drop." I say.

"You don't tell me what to do. And they not bitches." I snatch the phone out of her hand. "Aye she not having no fucking hot girl summer with y'all." I speak into the phone. Her friends started laughing and she took the phone from me. "Ugh your a bugaboo." she waved me off. I laughed and sat beside her, I wanna piss her off. I grabbed the remote and changed the TV from lame ass Law&Order to a basketball game. "Lemme call you back." she hangs up.

"Renard I know you ain't just change this channel." she crossed her arms. "ReNaRD i KnOw yOu AiN't JuSt ChaNGe tHiS ChAnNel. Yes I did." I jump at her. She got up and started walking away, "I'm just playing." I say changing it back to what she was watching.

"You make me so sick. Can you please go upstairs and get my laptop." she pouted. I blew hard and got up jogging up the stairs. While I was in the room searching for her nowhere to be found laptop I heard her scream. "NARD COME HERE!" I hope she ain't see me on the internet with no hoe. I dropped my phone and ran back down the stairs. She was in a puddle of a clear but yellowish liquid. I know she ain't just pee on herself, but it was so much. "My water broke." her hands shook. I started to panic, this the day I am scared of. I was pacing back and forth on the steps not knowing what to do.

"I'm about to have this baby." she cried. My eyes widened, not in the middle of living room she not. "Where the fuck the baby bag and shit?" I ask.

"It's in her room." I ran upstairs to Chanel's room grabbing the baby bag. I felt around my pockets for my phone. "Ohh it hurt so bad." she cried. I couldn't find my phone for shit.

"Hold on I'm coming." I yell. I went in the room seeing my phone on the floor. I ran downstairs with shit falling out of the baby bag, who the fuck ain't zip it up. The dogs were licking the water damn near making me throw up. "Come on we gotta get to the car." I say grabbing her hand to help her walk. She held her back as she slowly walked to the door. I called my mama and told her meet me at the hospital.

I was pacing back and forth in the delivery room while she was trying to take the pain. I can't watch this, I'm gonna pass out I know it. Some woman who looked like Nia walked in with a mask over her face. "Mama it hurts so bad." she cried grabbing the woman's hand. "I'm not getting pregnant again." she sniffled. My mama wasn't here yet and neither was Von so how the hell this lady get here before they did, they were the first two I called.

"Why she coming so early." I ask. "How I'm pose to know." she hollered. "Don't fucking yell at me!"

"No don't you yell at me. This is your fau- ahhh!"

"See she telling you to shut up." I say. My mama and Kianna walked in the room slowly with balloons in their hand. Who the fuck picks up balloon at this time of night. "My first grand baby is coming." she smiled. "Auntie gang." Kianna hyped.

"Where Von at?"

"Him and Monse on the way." Kianna said. "She's 10 centimeters it's time to push." the doctor said applying gloves to his hand. A few more doctors and nurses were behind him. They passed me some gloves and my heart started pounding, I hope they didn't expect me to deliver her.

"You all have to exit." he said as he began spreading her legs open. Yeah nigga that pussy pretty ain't it? I put the shit on that they gave and took a deep breath once they left the room. "Imma pass out I'm letting you know now." I mumble to her. She was crying so hard while she squeezed the life out of my hand. "Ok and on the count of three I want you to give me a big push. 1,2,3."

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