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Sliding down against his door, (Y/N) watched as the ambulance drove away with Akai. His whole body shaking, sure he believed that people hurt themselves but he didn't see for himself. After seeing Akai almost cut herself, it felt like somebody slapped him hard.

"Huh?" Feeling against his cheeks, he now only realised he was crying. He held his head and stared at the floor. He was angry and confused.

He sighed as his phone pinged, checking it. It was the emergency number that was on Akai's lock screen. "On our way..?" He didn't bothered replying. 'W-was I too harsh on her..? ' Thoughts kept invading his head. Thinking of what if scenarios such as What if he was friends with her in the first place? Or What if he was there to stop her?

"H-hey? You there?" Snapping out of his thoughts, he looked up and saw 2 blonde girls.

(Y/N)'s POV
'The hell..?' The more I look at them, the more weirder they get. The short one has horns and the taller one has elf like ears and. A flying robotic panda? My thoughts was snapped again as the shorter one had a call.

"Excuse me for a sec!" She walked a few bits off. The taller one stared down at me. Her stare wasn't of anger but sadness?

"So.. You the friends of Akai, right?" I managed to spat out and looked anywhere but here. She shifted on her spot uncomfortably. "Well. I'd say more of a co-worker but yeah, I suppose we are friends." I only nodded to her answer.

"Name's Flare, Shiranui Flare. Y-you're (Y/N) right? She talks about you a lot, you know?" My eyes widen slightly at this information. "Why would she tal-"

"I'm back! T-the uh, nurse just told me about the hospital. Uhm." An awkward silence soon surrounded us. I just wanted to sleep and escape from this.

"A-ahem. Uhm, I know this is a bit traumatic. So uh, as a mutual friend of Akai, I'll visit every once in a while to check up on you. Are you okay with that?" The tall girl said. I only nodded. I wanted out of this situation. "Yeah yeah.. Sure.."

The short one seemed to understand the mood and whispered to the tall one. They both nodded..

"My friend here will inform the school about her. Go and rest up, it's been stressful enough and I understand you're starting to shut down. I only nodded and sighed.

"Sorry.. Be safe.." I muttered before walking inside and leaving them, immediately collapsing on the couch.

Flare's POV
I started to panic. "Why did I said that I'll visit?! Watame, you gotta come with me!" Watame giggled and nodded. "I guess you do have a motherly instict Flare-senpai."

"But yeah. For Haato's sake, we gotta help him too. Although, I feel like it should be you and Noel since you two did planned on helping him in the first place." I sighed as I nodded. "True.. Man, I felt like we should've told him that, that was Haato."

"I'm only following your plans. Just. Remember to put Marine-senpai on a tight leash, Flare-senpai. She might end up doing something we all don't want." Watame looked at me worryingly.

I only mamaged to gulp. "Why did Noel chose Marine for this?"

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