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Haato and Sora had a stare down of their lifetime. Haato was clearly scared and sweating as she didn't expect Sora to suddenly show up and just stop her with a menacing glare and face.

Haato gulped as she even saw A-chan slightly shaking in her boots. "U-uhm. H-how can I-"

"You know why I'm here. It's about (Y/N)." Haato gulped and backed away slightly. "We've dated for a while. It only lasted for a month before both of us had to give up our relationship because of him moving away and me pursuing my idol career. But that whole month was the best thing that happened to me." Sora approached a shocked Haato and placed her hand on her shoulder.

"If I hear any news about you hurting him, you're included in this Haachama. I will come for you, we treat each other as family. He's like my precious little brother to me. Mess with him and you mess with me. Got it?" Haato nodded her head extremely fast.

"H-Haachama got it, hai!" Haachama popped out quickly before hiding back again. "Good good! At least we understand each other. I got practice! Ja nee Haato-chan~!"

Haato's knees gave in and fell on the ground. A-chan did her best to catch the poor scared girl. "W-well, that's a warning Haato-chan. D-don't mess it up." Haato only nodded.

"Ah, Flare! Over here!" A-chan yelled as she helped up Haato. Flare came up running, looking extremely worried. "What happened?!" She yelled.

"Well, Sora-chan happened. Apparently Sora-chan and (Y/N) have history together. Good history mind you, she came to warn Haato-chan but ended up scaring her." Flare chuckled nervously and picked up Haato and carried her bridal style. A-chan took her jacket off and placed it around Haato's waist and covered up the private regions so no one can see her underwear.

"Ne, how scary was Sora-senpai?" A-chan just pointed at Haato's horrified expression before walking back to her computer.

Flare chuckled nervously and started walking to the lobby. Now did she only notice how bad the poor girl was shaking in fear. Noel saw both of the girls. She grew a tid bit jealous but it all washed away once she saw Haato shaking.

Flare walked up to Noel. "She ah. Got scared by Sora-senpai. A-chan said that Sora-senpai and (Y/N) has history together. That's all she bothered telling me." Noel nodded as she picked up Haato. Flare fixed her clothes and nodded at Noel, both women started walking home.

The two grew worried at how quiet Haato was. They weren't used to it especially when earlier, she was blabbing nonsense and randomly.

"H-hey, l-look on the bright side! Ah, Sora-senpai uhm. Kinda allowed your relationship? I mean I hope so anyways." Noel said nervously and looked down at Haato who was still shaking.

Flare and Noel looked at each other worryingly. After a while, they reached their doorstep. Flare opened the door and a delicious aroma immediately hit them. "Woah what the?" Flare walked in and immediately made her way to the living room and peeked over at the kitchen, there she saw (Y/N) cooking. She was surprised, obviously. She didn't knew (Y/N can cook, it smelled delicious but the taste, what would it taste like?

Noel tried her best to contain her excitement. She set Haato down on the couch. The smell of Gyudon making her excited. She was like a little child excited opening their Christmas present.

(Y/N) walked out the table, carrying two bowls of Gyudon and grabbed two more bowls of ramen. "Ah, welcome back you three." He said as he prepared the table. "Don't think you guys greeted when you came in."

"We kinda forgot, aheh. We were surprised that you can cook." Noel rubbed the back of her head.

"Oi! I may be a loner but I'm not incompetent, I can do things!" Flare nodded as she looked around Noel's house. "Yeah no kid! Your house is much more cleaner!" Noel flushed in embarrassment and hid her face with her hands. Flare chuckled and walked up to Noel and comforted her. Flare signalled (Y/N) towards Haato.

(Y/N) nodded worryingly then made his way towards Haato and knelt in front of her. "Haato? You alright?" He whispered as he grabbed both her hands and held them. Haato nodded and leaned her head against his shoulder.

He sighed and wrapped his arm around her. He shifted and sat down on the couch, with Haato immediately hopping on his lap and hid her face on the crook of his neck. (Y/N) chuckled as he rubbed Haato's back. "Such a big baby." He chuckled more as he heard Haato's muffled whine. Looking up, he saw Noel eating away while Flare walked down the stairs. "I already took your bags to the guest bedroom, you guys are sleeping there. It's the first door on your right." The man nodded as he kept rubbing her girlfriend's back and started to hum and rock gently.

Flare's head perked up as she heard a knock on the door. Noel let out a soft burp and stood up. "I'll get it!" All of them giggled at Noel.

Noel blushed and reached for the handle, opening the door. Both Noel and Flare's happy mood turned sour and horrified.

"It's your shooting star, your diamond in the rough, idol VTuber Hoshimachi Suisei!"



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