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"It's certainly nice to see you again Anemachi-san. I've heard of your.. Situation." Haato said, holding back a laugh, which annoyed Anemachi. "I just wanted to be out of there. For two months, I felt my life draining away whenever I hear those two." Amemachi dramatically said which made Haato giggle. "How unfortunate for you. Well, the guest bedroom is all clear and clean now. You can move on, sorry for making you wait here Anemachi." The pink haired girl shook her head. "No no, it's no worries. But seriously, I did tell you I was gonna be the one cleaning it! And you're pregnant too!" Anemachi voiced her worry and grabbed her bag. Haato only shook her head and smiled again. "No worries, while I can still walk and do work, I'll do it."

Haato huffed as she and Anemachi made their way to the office. As they reached the front entrace, Haato smiled as she remembered how much Yagoo cared for them. Looking to her left, she saw Botan heading down the hallway. "Well Haato-chan, I'll be heading my own way. I assume you'll be heading to your dorm rooms?" Haato nodded and began walking. "I'll be in there if you need me!" Haato yelled out and Anemachi replied back with an OK.

Trailing her fingers along the wall, she smiled as she saw 0th gen's door is still being decorated by Miko even though she's graduated. Slowly opening the door, she saw Sora and Azki playing something on their Switch while Roboco and Miko were drawing something. "Interesting activities we have." Haato spoke out which got everyone's attention. "Haato-chaaaan!" They all squealed as they saw Haato. Azki and Miko gasped as they saw Haato's swollen belly. "AGAIN?!" Both Azki and Miko yelled at the same time while Sora giggled and Roboco smiled. "Congrats Haato-chan, I assume (Y/N)'s taking care of you properly?" Roboco approached Haato and Haato smiled and nodded. "Mhm, he's the best husband. He can get a bit rough on bed but hey, who doesn't enjoy a bit of roughness?" After saying this, Miko's and Sora's face were red and Azki has a smug look on her face while Roboco had a neutral look. "A-anyways! Why are you here Haato-chan?" Sora asked out and the rest nodded, agreeing to her question. "Oh just walking around and visiting you guys. Nothing more, nothing less. I just missed you all."

All four of them smiled and approached Haato. "We'll accompany you! Let's go!" Miko said as she immediately exit the room. The rest left but Haato pulled Sora aside. "How's..  How's Aqua..?" She whispered and Sora only looked at her with sadness. "She plans to graduate next month.. Unfortunately, even with our support, the non stop harresment she's been getting has been affecting her a lot.." Sora whispered back and squeezed Haato's shoulder a bit. "You should talk to her about it, I'm sure she'd listen since you did go through that." Haato nodded and smiled slightly at Sora before the two left the room.

(Y/N) let out a tired sigh as he opened the door, two bundles of joy immediately ran in and hopped up on the couch and started bouncing and playing. (Y/N) briefly smiled before walking over to a chair and collapsing on it. He cursed at himself before rubbing his eyes. "Girls.. Quiet down please.. I got a bad headache.. Or please just head to your room.." The two girls nodded and immediately ran to their room.

'All in a day's work?' (Y/N) nodded and sughed before opening his eyes, revealing his left iris to be purple instead of its natural color. "What's up?" He said before walking towards the kitchen. 'Nothing much, bored basically. How's the kids?' (Y/N) chuckled as he chugged his glass of water. "They're good, fun to be around but can really drag my patience down at times.." 'It's how kids are (Y/N), you can't blame them.' He only nodded before walking towards the couch. "I'll swing by and visit you two.. I hear Haato's car pulling up.." His left eye flashed pink for a brief second before turning back to purple. 'She says goodnight here (Y/N).' "Tell her goodnight as well. I promise I'll swing by when I'm free. See you then, Shion."

With the sound of the door being unlocked and opened, in came Haato and Anemachi. Haato immediately noticed her husband sprawled out on the sofa, seeing this sight made her and Anemachi giggle. Anemachi immediately  went to the kitchen to store their groceries while Haato went to her husband, lifting his head up gently, she sat down then set his head on her lap. She hummed quietly as she stroked his hair gently. (Y/N) groaned slightly and opened his eyes slowly.. A smile immediately appeared on his face the moment his eyes finally adjsuted and saw Haato. "What time is it..?" The boy asked and Haato looked up to the clock. "Almost 10. Come on, lets get you to bed so you can rest for the rest of the night." The boy didn't argue and slowly stood with Haato's help.

As the two made their way upstairs, Haato's ears twitched a little as she heard snoring. Knewing this was her daughters, she held in a laugh. Guiding her husband to their room, (Y/N) immediately flopped down on his bed. Haato eyes widened slight as she immediately heard snoring from him.

Shaking her head slightly, she let out a gently giggle before leaving their room. Grabbing the door knob, she spoke out as she closed the door. "Goodnight~"

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