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It has been a month, (Y/N), Suisei and Haato has now moved out from Noel's place. It was a fun and chaotic ride. Unfortunately for Suisei, she couldn't join Haato or (Y/N) because her sister was far too clingy.

Fortunately enough for (Y/N) and Haato, means they have more time for each other. The two decided that (Y/N) would move in with Haato, considering she has a slightly bigger house and moving her setup would be a pain that the two are not willing to do.

The couple smiled at each other as they laid on Haato's bed. (Y/N) rubbing Haato's back as she watched some of her clips with Suisei and Noel. She would giggle from time to time but (Y/N) love hearing it.

Haato soon closed her phone and sat up on (Y/N)'s bed. "Neee, pay attention to Haachama too! It's not fair you're only spoiling Haato!" (Y/N) chuckled to this and gave Haachama a pat on the head and pulled her in close. Haachama sighed happily, her legs swaying happily.

(Y/N) shook his head and gently grabbed Haachama's legs and pulled them back up on the bed. Smiling, he looked into Haachama's eyes. "Hm." Haachama raised her brow and stared back. "Hm!"

"Hmmm." "Hmmmmmmm!" "Hmmmmmmm." "Hhhmmmmmmmm-" (Y/N) cut her off by giving her a quick peck on the lips. Haachama was taken aback by this. She gave (Y/N) a sinister smirk then pounced on him.

The next day..
(Y/N) was noe in the bathroom, removing every lipstick on his face and neck. "Christ. She sure do know how to kiss." He muttered and kept wiping the lipstick off.

"If you need me, I'll be in my rec room, streaming as usual~!" Haachama yelled over. He grunted in response and washed off his face. Deciding to shower as well, he soon stepped out the bathroom and dried his hair. He soon haired Haachama being Haachama. "Hope she doesn't burn the kitchen this time."

He went downstairs and kept quiet, grabbing his breakfast beside the fridge and started eating quietly. He gave Haachama and thumbs up and a smile. That made the girl giddy as she continued on with her cooking.

His smile grew wider as he finished eating his food. (Y/N) grabbed a sticky note and wrote down on it and placed it on the table beside Haachama where the camera doesn't have the angle on. He waved goodbye to her as he made his way out and towards his house. "Right. Pictures, rest of my clothes, my pc. What else what else." He muttered as he entered his house.

"Ah, chips. I should bring some too, I don't think I can eat anything Haachama gives me." He talked and chuckled to himself as he grabbed some more bags and shoves the chips in and the rest of his clothes that remained in his house. "Well buddy, it's been a good ride. Time for me to move." He pat the walls of his house as he stopped and pondered. "I wonder if giving this house to Suisei would be a good idea." He shrugged the thought off and walked towards Haachama's house and entered, seeing her eating up whatever abomination she made. He sneakily made his way upstairs and fixed his clothes on their shared closet and set the pictures on the table.

Haachama barged through the door, her smile ever so wide and adorable. But (Y/N)'s heart sank as soon as he saw the abomination that is on the plate. 'I.. Is she trying to kill me?' "Look, I made this for us! It's really delicious, try it!" (Y/N) was about to protest but was stopped immediately by Haachama feeding him a spoonful. He braced himself and started eating it. To his surprise, it tasted good. "Hm?" Haachama waited, all giddy as she stared at (Y/N). "It's good, I see it in your face! Hah! So worms are good!" She yelled and ran downstairs.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) ran to the bathroom and spit out the food and shoves four fingers in his mouth, forcing himself to puke out the horrendous food.

"Christ.." (Y/N) muttered and flushed down his puke and proceeded to wash his face. "That was disgusting.."

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