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Light shone through the windows and on to (Y/N)'s face. He groaned and covered his eyes with a pillow. He sighed and removed the pillow immediately, analyzing his surroundings. "Right, Roberu's bar.." He slowly sat up and swung his legs over at the side of the bed, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes, he looked towards the clock. "Shit! It's 10 already?!" He shot up from his bed and grabbed his clothes and got dressed, he ran out the door and rushed down to the bar and saw Roberu talking with Aloe. "Morning, I ain't got time! Thanks for letting me stay!" He yelled as he rushed out the bar and ran towards the house. 'I'm fucked if Noel finds out!' He yelled inwardly as he dashed through crowds and bumped into a group of people and fell back on his ass. "Shit.. Goddamn.." He muttered as held his behind and looked up.

"Ah, sensei. What are you up to?" A girl spoke, he let's his eyes adjust and he looked at the girl. "Ah, Matsuri-chan.. Fancy running into you here." He groaned as he slowly stood up. "You should really be careful where you're running, you just bumped into a group of elderly. Don't worry, I apologized on their behalf and told you're a bit retarded." She hid a smirk by drinking her water. This earned a tick mark on (Y/N)'s forehead. "Tch, couldn't you come up with a better excuse?!" Matsuri giggled and shook her hand. "Nup! Anyways, why are you running even? You owe me by the way." (Y/N) sighed and rubbed his head. "Well, I slept over at Roberu's to escape Flare, woman showed interest on me. I already have two women, I can't handle another one." Matsuri raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms. "And Noel-chan's with her?" (Y/N) nodded and Matsuri just sighed and patted his shoulder. "Goodluck sensei, thanks for everything you've done for me. I'll pray for your soul." She said seriously as she walked away. "Hey wait! What are you talking about?!" Matsuri just waved her hand around. "Jaaaa neeee!"

(Y/N) walked back home, a shiver went down his spine as he approached the front door. He slowly opened the door and saw Noel sitting by the sofa, her back turned against him. He quietly entered and closed the door behind him. "Where were you." Noel said out loud as she stood up and faced him. 'Shit.' "Seriously, can't a man have a pri-" A mace was thrown beside his head, he gulped as he looked at Noel, she was pissed off. "Flare walked into the guest bedroom crying, she told me everything. Why couldn't you have just turned her down?! Is running away a better option for you?! You didn't even consider her feelings!" (Y/N) let out an annoyed sighed. "Listen, I already have my hands full. I don't want anymore women in my life. I'm already burdened as it is with Suisei and Haato. I didn't think it through, alright?  Give a break already." He snarled at Noel, which surprised her at his sudden outburst.

"Tch." He opened the door and left, slamming the door behind him. Noel sat down and massaged her forehead. "Told you it wouldn't end well, I warned you, Noe-pon." Flare appeared from the kitchen. Noel sighed in frustration. "I just wanted to confront him. I didn't mean to lose my cool.." Noel held her head. Flare dislodged the mace from the entrance. "I think you lost your cool too much." She said as she waved Noel's mace.

Meanwhile, Haato yawned fell face first on to the couch on the office. Suisei sat beside her and rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes. "I'm so damn tired.." Suisei muttered under her breath, Haato nodded and was mumbled by the pillow on the couch. "What?" Haato lifted her head a bit. "I wanna go home already." Haato plopped her head back on the pillow. Suisei nodded, closing her eyes and imagining herself coming home to her sister making her food but she found that impossible so she imagined (Y/N). She smiled a bit before laying herself atop of Haato's legs.

"Sui-taaaan, Haachama, I ran into (Y/N)-sensei earlier." Matsuri said as she came and entered the room. This grabbed Suisei's attention but Haato didn't seem to care that much about it because she didn't move a muscle. "You did?" Matsuri nodded and hummed as she took her seat on the bean bag. "He was running too."

"Why do you call him sensei? And why was he running?" Matsuri took a sip from her juice box and gave a sigh of relief. "He was running back home, apparently he slept in Roberu-san's bar. Oh, he was my tutor. He waaaas my senior back in highschool, teachers recommended me to him because my grades were failing. He was a good tutor, although a bit uh. He looked like he's dealing a lot of problems." Suisei ignored the second part, her fist clenched and smiled. "Why was he sleeping in Roberu's place, hm?"

A shiver went down Matsuri's spine. 'Psycho.' She thought before rubbing her hand. "Well, he said that Flare was showing signs of uh. Feelings for him so he wanted to run away so those feelings won't ger stronger." Suisei entire body relaxed, she tilted her head slightly. "That's. Awfully good of him?" She said, confused. Matsuri shrugged and Haato sat up. "Well, at least we can trust him around other women. Except Senchou." Suisei nodded almost immediately while Matsuri was now occupied drinking her juice.

Haato had a sinking feeling in her gut, she pulled her legs up and hugged it tightly. Somehow, she feels her heart cracking in two. Suisei felt Haato's emotions, she scooted closer and held Haato close. "I feel it too. We just have to trust that he won't do anything." Haato nodded and sighed before hiding her face into her arms.  "Relax Haato, we need to perform later and tomorrow, after that you can go home to him. Our planned date is cancelled, onee-chan needs me back home." Haato nodded and sighed as she rubbed her hands together.

Matsuri looked at the two and shrugged. "Yeesh, you two can't survive without him huh?" "Yes, we can't." The two answered at the same time immediately. A shiver went down Matsuri's spine. "Riiight. I'll be in the other room." With that, Matsuri left."

Suisei and Haato looked at each other and giggled. "Were hopeless.." Haato muttered.

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