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"HEEEEH?! W-what?! H-how's that? Wait, this isn't real right?!" Flare and Noel looked at (Y/N)'s picture. He looks to be around 10.

"H-his father is Sh-"

"What the hell's at this screaming?" He yawned as he walked down the stairs and looked at the three girls. "N-nothing! W-was reading s-some uh. BL books!" Haato said nervously.

(Y/N)'s face scrunched up. "No thanks, I think I'm fine." He said as he went back up the stairs tp grab his towel and some change of clothes.

"Tell this to no one. This stays between us 3, alright?" Haato said, Noel and Flare noddes. "That was unexpected though." Noel muttered, the other two girls agreed.

3 hours later..
(Y/N) is now sandwiched between his now two girlfriends. The two glared at each other as they both each clung on his arm. "Girls, please. If we all three are to be in a relationship, we all have to get along. Please? I want us three to be happy." (Y/N) said as he kept walking.

Suisei nodded and smiled. "See, our boyfriend understands~! Why can't you, Haato?!"

"Tch, because he was mine in the first place!" (Y/N) stopped and grabbed both girls shoulders and faced them towards him.

"Listen! Listen! Girls, I know this is frustrating for all of us. Whether we like it or not, we're stuck together. Haato, please. I know you're frustrated but fighting won't solve anything. Suisei, stop messing with Haato for the love of God. Once we get home, let's all sit down and have a talk. No fighting." Haato sighed and nodded, Suisei on the other hand was very happy and walked over to Haato and held her hand out.

"Let's start over shall we? We started on the wrong foot. We both love this man, we're both not willing to let him go. So, let's start again, please?" Suisei sounded sincere. Haato sighed and shook her hand. "Fine."

"That's a start.. Now, what do you two wanna do?"

The two girls looked at each other and smiled. "Shopping!"

5 hours later..
(Y/N) was now carrying. A lot of bags. "Seems those two made up quick." The two girls were smiling and laughing, trying out some new clothes. (Y/N) sat down as he let his sore legs relax for once.

"(Y/N), plwase judge!" The young man sighed as he picked up the bags and waited outside their fitting room. His jaw dropped immediately as the two came out wearing lingeries, blue for Suisei and red for Haato.

"Ne, how do we look?" Haato chuckled "Yeah, do we look good enough for your eyes, master~? Nyan~" Suisei teased.

(Y/N) immediately closed the curtains. "Alright! We're going home after this!" He coughed out as he wiped the blood from his nose. The girls giggled aa they changed clothes.

(Y/N) sat back on the chair and sighed. "Christ.."

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