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After lunch we went to our class. Turns out Becky is in five of my classes.

My next class was Spanish. I walked in and took my seat which was all the way in the back again. I read what was on the board. As I was writing, the teacher introduced herself as Miss Applebomb. I chuckled in my head.

Becky poked me. I turned and looked at her.

"Hey Ryan is staring at you." she whispered excitedly. I didn't I even notice he was in this class. When I turned towards his direction he was staring at me, but as soon as he noticed he turned his head towards his friend. I saw a ting of pink flush from his cheeks. Awkward.


The bell rang signaling school was over. I got up from my chair and went to find my locker. Once I reached it, I opened it, I small piece of paper fell out. I bent down to pick it up. It was a note from some unknown person.

Meet me in the janitor's closet. After school.

I was walking down the hallway towards the janitor's closet. I opened it up and entered.

It was dark. As I entered I could feel the presence of someone.

"I know you are trying to avoid me, but it's not going to work", a deep voice said.

"Who are you?" I replied confidently surprising myself.

"Oh you know who I am and I know you, Amber", he replied, "and we both know Dylan told you to stay away from me".

"Ok so you know me what's the point?" After saying that I realized who the 'unknown someone' was, "Ryan? What the hell? Do not have anything better to do?" I scoffed.

"So you do know my name. I know you like me. Since this morning I knew it." I could almost hear the smirk appearing on his face. I hear him tug on a thread and a light bulb above me flickers on.

"I do not like you and I'm not
planning to. I know you are just trying to get into my pants so piss off." I said with a hand on my forehead. Squinting to adjust to the bright light. With that said, I stormed out of the closet and made my way outside.

I walked since my brother left me. When I got home I was angry at my brother and Ryan. As soon as I entered the house, I marched up the stairs and slammed my door shut.

I got changed into pajamas and went to straight to bed. Today was a long and stressful day.


I woke up to the sunlight blinding me.
I went along into my morning routine and went downstairs. I pulled out a bowl. I looked in the fridge and found some milk. Pouring the milk, I used my other hand to take the cereal and poured that into my bowl as well. Since I was still angry at Dylan, I decided to walk to school today.

As I entered the building everyone was staring at me, and I mean everyone. As I was walking down the hallway everyone was still staring at me. I heard girls whispering 'she's the one', 'he could have chosen better' or 'she's not even pretty'. All of that got me wondering what happened before I got here.

I made my way to my locker when I saw Becky standing there wearing a wide grin on her face.

"Becky." I said unsure of what's going to happen. "What's wrong?"

"You haven't heard?"she asked shocked.

"If I did I wouldn't be asking you. What happened?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Ryan said something about you to the whole school just before you arrived. I'm  shook". she replied giggling.

"What did he say?" I asked waiting for her reply.


A Love Triangle  {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now