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As I entered I fell down. I was scared. This was Deja Vu. Questions started filling my head who pulled me here? What did I do? Where am I? I got up from the floor and dusted myself off.

"Hello." My voice was wavering, "Who are you?"

"Hi. I have a confession to make", the random stranger said. The lights flicked on. The bright light blinded me. As I adjusted to the light source, I tried to see who the voice came from.

It was Ryan.

"What do you want again Ryan, and why can't we talk in a normal place. This is getting old." I grumbled, sighing and rubbing my temples.

"As I said I have a confession to make." he repeated.

"I heard you the first time, I'm not deaf."

"It's not that easy to say it", he sighed.

"I have to get home. My brother is waiting for me so bye." I was about to leave when he said.

"Here goes... I like you Amber. You are so different from all those girls. You don't throw yourself at me; you're not practically begging me to take you on a date. You act so normal, I've never seen a girl like you before in this school. All of a sudden it's the other way round, I want you. I'll do anything to have you, even if it means being in a", he paused trying to find the right words. "In a relationship", he finished.

"Ryan, how do I know you are not just saying this to get into my pants. I mean that's all you do, make girls fall in love with you then you dump them. Right?",I questioned.

"That's what you think about me?"

"Doesn't everyone?" I asked.

"As I said, you are different. You stand out. You're like a daisy in a rose bed", he said.

"That makes no sense. Why choose me? You barely know me." I asked.

"Yes. I know. I haven't told anyone this but, I am afraid." he said.

"Afraid of what? The tables turning? Girls using you? Because your stupid." I was pissed now.

"I am afraid of love. Ok. I loved my mom and now she is in jail for something I don't even know of. I visited her a few months ago. I asked her questions. Finally I asked her if she still loves me. You know what she said?", I shook my head. I mean seriously how could I. "She said she doesn't love me now. Never did and never will", I tear dropped from his eye and rolled down his cheek. Quickly using his hand to wipe off the tear.

"Ryan I am sorry. But if you say you like me, then you'd have to prove it. I don't believe you but I mean anything is possible look at Donald Trump, a President." I stated.

"I will. Amber Clark I will show you how much I like you." he said leaving the room his frown turning into a grin.

Well at least now I know his real story.


I was at home cuddling with my unicorn in my bed wearing my pajamas. I was thinking about what Ryan said today. He is confusing. First he said I liked him now he likes me.

"Aghh." I groaned into my pillow.

I woke up happy. This is unusual. Wait. That's right today is Friday! TGIF am I right ladies.

I got out of bed and decided to play music using my iHome. I went and took my shower. When I was done, I did my hair, put on some mascara and dabbed on a little bit of red lip stick. I pulled out a red flannel, a black shirt, some blue denim high wasted shorts and black vans. After I had put on my clothes and shoes, I grabbed my book bag and headed downstairs.

As I was eating, there was this loud honk outside.

"I'll get it mom!" I shouted. I walked towards the door. I opened it a saw a black 2014 Range Rover. In the driver's seat, there sat Ryan. I walked over to the car.

"Ryan, what are you doing here?" I asked the boy in my driveway as he rolled down his window.

"You said you wanted me to prove to you that I like you and I am not trying to use you. So what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't pick up my lady this lovely morning?" he stated in the form of a question.

"Ok. I'll be right back. Let me just go and get my book bag." Ryan nodded.

I ran into the house and cleared my bowl of cereal, got my bag and rushed out of the house.

"Mom, please tell Dylan that he doesn't need to drive me to school. I already have a ride!" I shouted out to my mother. She just nodded her head.

As I got into the car, the interior made me cry on the inside. The seats were black with red in the middle. The leather seats were heated which made my morning even better.

We arrived into our schools parking lot.

"Thanks for the ride Ryan." I thanked him.

"You're welcome my lady." he replied. I frowned at his attempt of a British accent.

I got out of his car and made it into the school building. I grabbed my books from my locker at went into my first class which is history.

The teacher was talking about something important but I wasn't paying attention. I found myself thinking about Ryan. How his hair flows in the wind, how a dimple on his left cheek appears when he is happy, how pink his cheeks turn when he is embarrassed...

"Miss Clark." the teacher called me snapping me out of my trans. "Anything you want to share with us?" he asked.

"No sir, it wouldn't be any of your business." I replied.

"Ok.Well then stop daydreaming", he said.


Math class was over finally. I swear that man can give us homework for the whole summer for just a day's work of submission. I was making my way to my locker. As I opened my locker, a note fell out. I groaned. How many letters would I be getting? Don't people know how to text anymore? I grabbed it and put my books in my locker.

Hey Amber,

Could you please meet me near the bleachers ASAP!

Xoxo gossip gir- jk it's  just Leo :)

I wonder what he wants to talk about. I then started walking to the bleachers. Opening  the doors, I soon recognized his blonde hair.

"Hey Leo." I said as soon as I walked up to him.

"Hey Amber." he replied.

"What's up? What did you need to tell me?" I asked him.

"Well, I know we haven't known each other for a long time but... I'm starting to develop feelings for you." he stated

Damnit. My mouth was wide opened. "Why-what do you mean?" I stuttered.

"What I mean is that I like you Amber Clark." he smiled.


I swear Amber is so dumb.

A Love Triangle  {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now