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The weekend was amazing  yet horrible. If that's even possible. It's the day that we all go back to school after a two day break.

Right now Ethan and I were in the cafeteria. I was finishing up on an assignment, while he was eating and playing on his phone.

I haven't told Ethan about my feelings towards him. I plan to, but not now. It's too soon. I am very scared on how it will affect out relationship.

I have had this experience before. I had liked this boy. He was one of my very close friends. We hang out everyday. People even thought we were related at some point. I had grown a liking towards him. So, I decided to tell him. Bad idea. He laughed at me. He told me that he didn't feel anything towards me. He said we would only be friends and that's it.

It's not what he said, it's how he said it. It hurt me. Even the memory of the situation that happened with Ryan was there to haunt me.

I am now scared that Ethan would do the same.

We left the cafeteria to go and finish the days lessons. I spotted Ryan a few times today. I either turned the other way or walked past him and pretended that I couldn't hear him. He looked sorry, but I ignored him.


After school, Ethan was supposed to drive me home. Instead he drove past my house.

"Hey! My house is back there." I frowned using my thumb to point back at my house.

"I know." he grinned.

"Then why did you drive past it?" I asked.


"Because what?" I asked getting irritated.

"Amber, would you chill? I'm not gonna kill you or anything.0

"That's not what I worried about. I had something to do at home." I pouted. It wasn't specifically a lie. I had new episodes of "Teen Wolf" I needed to catch up on.

"Well it's gonna have to wait."

I huffed and slid into my seat. He drove for a few more minutes before he stopped at a place with a lot of vegetation. He got down so I took that as a sign to get down as well.

As I put my foot down, stones and pieces of seashells crunched beneath me. I followed Ethan. I looked around. There where tall trees that covered the sky. Only specks of light could be seen through the leaves.

As we walked I saw a pathway opening up to us. Walking past the trees, the smell of salt invaded my nostrils. The sound of waves crashing gave an idea of where we were.

The sun was setting as we were getting to our destination. Ethan stopped abruptly. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Here we are." he grinned.

"Yeah." I blushed.

"So is this way better than what you were going to do at home?"

"Yes." Truthfully, it was okay. Nothing could beat Dylan O'Brien.

Ethan sat down and I did the same. The view was amazing. The sun was slowly setting in front of us and the sky was orange tinged with red. The wind was blowing slightly. It was nice.

A Love Triangle  {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now