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I woke up in a neat room. I was alone. I started to wonder where I was, and then I quickly remembered that I was at Ethan's house coming for a pool party. As I got up a pain shot up from my head, so I quickly lied down again. What happened last night? I questioned myself as I rubbed my temples. I got up a few minutes later. I wondered down the stairs, I could hear bacon sizzling and maple syrup in the air. I walked around the garbage in the living room and made my way into the kitchen where the smell was coming from.

"Good morning." I said to the figure cooking. My eyes were still adjusting to the light.

"Good morning to you too." a deep voice startled me. This person must have just woken up. "How did you sleep?" he asked.

"I slept fine." I replied. The figure turned around and I saw its face. It was Ethan. He had bed hair and was holding two plates of bacon and pancakes with syrup on them. I quickly run up to him grabbed a plate and dug in.

"Hungry aren't you?" he asked. I nodded my head since I had food in my mouth. He just laughed at me.

"Um Ethan?" I asked as soon as I was done eating.


"Do you have any aspirin? This headache is killing me."

"Yeah. I'll get it for you."


After breakfast, Ethan dropped me off at home and said goodbye. I ran up to my room, dumped my bags and ran to the bathroom to take a shower.

When I got out I changed into some sweat shorts a jogging bra and a hoodie. I went downstairs, looked for snacks and ran upstairs to find my laptop. I found some movies and watched them and pigged out. Today is just supposed to be a lazy day.

After all the movie watching and snack eating, I felt like I need some air, so I decided to go for a jog. I put on some Nikes and took my earphones and put them in my iPod. I run for about a mile and stopped at a nearby coffee shop- Starbucks.


I woke up late. Again. I rushed into my closet and picked out a grey sweater, black jeans and converse. On my way out I picked up some sunglasses off my desk. I ran into the kitchen and spotted two notes on the fridge. One from my mom.

Dear Amber,

I have gone on a business trip with my boss. I'll be back in one or two weeks.

Love ya bye

Love mom

She was going out again. I sighed. The second one was from my brother.

Dear Am,

I'm going on a manly trip with the boys. I'll be back on Saturday

Love you, Dyl the pickle.

The manly trip was a trip that my brother and his friends would go out for a boy's week. It's for boys only he states. It's practically like a boy's sleepover. I was home alone.

I forgot about the letters and rushed out the door and jumped into the car and drove off to school. I carefully slid my sunglasses on and walked into school. Everybody was gossiping about someone. As you can tell already I hate gossip. I walked to my locker where Ethan was waiting for me.

"Hey bestie." I hugged him.

"Hey babe. You look like crap." he kissed my forehead. "Do you know what everyone is talking about?" he asked.

I gave him a look "Have no idea." I said with a shrug of the shoulders. We were walking away from the crowd when we heard gasps. We turned round and heard people saying 'I thought they were just rumors' 'it's not him or is it' or 'you've got to kidding me'.

We tried to see who was there but we couldn't see. "Hey, climb onto my shoulders." Ethan suggested. I mumbled and inaudible ok. Then he lifted me. At first all I could see was brown hair and a boy in black. I lifted my shades and put them on top of my head.

He was wearing shades so I couldn't see his face. He was looking around, sort of like he was looking for someone.

He looked to my direction and stared me; he then smirked and took of his shades. My mouth literally fell to the ground. Right in front of me was a person that I thought had disappeared.

It was Ryan.

Why was he in school now at this moment? Why did he choose now to come back? Things were just fine without him here. I quickly picked my jaw from the ground and tapped Ethan to put me back on the ground. He put me down. "Who was that? Your look like you just saw a ghost." he questioned.

"Ethan it's him. He is back." I stated. Ethan turned pale just like me.


After class was lunch. This was the time I was dreading. Luckily for Ethan, he had football practice, so I was all alone for lunch. He is probably in there just waiting for me.

I entered the cafeteria and went to the line. I got my lunch and tried to find a seat.



After the fight I had with Amber and her 'boyfriend' Ethan. I saw the hurt in her eyes. I immediately regretted everything I said and did. I couldn't face her again. After I saw them leave in his car, I left too. I had tried to talk to her but she just ignored me. I noticed that she wouldn't be forgiving me anytime soon. So, I did the only thing I could think of- I left.

I went to my dad's lodge and stayed there. I was a mess I couldn't face the hurt in her eyes. After some weeks of slouching around I decided to change my ways. I worked out and tried to forget about her. I worked so hard. A month and a half later, I was ready to go back to school. I felt better and stronger.

I had told some few of my mates that I was coming back. I guess the word kind of spread because by the time I arrived in my car the parking lot and the entrance was filled with people. I got out and I went to the entrance. I said hi to most of my friends. I couldn't help look for her. She was always on my mind, no matter how hard I tried to forget I couldn't. I was looking around and I saw those brown eyes I couldn't help but smirk. Once her eyes found mine she froze. He was on someone's shoulders. I had a bad feeling that it was Ethan. I took off my shades and looked at her, next thing I know she came off the shoulders and ran away.

I laughed to myself. I was being surrounded by all of these people. Asking questions, wanting hugs and other things. However, I could help wonder what Amber was doing at the moment.

At lunch I saw her come in. She was all alone and I could tell she was nervous. She got her food and was looking for a seat. There were no more seats except the one next to me.

"Hey Amber!" I called out. She turned to me. "Free seat." I said motioning to the seat next to me.

She came over and sat by me. I tried asking her some few questions by she didn't reply. I asked her one more then that's when she cracked. "Do you know what you did to my best friend?You injured him. You think you can just walk in here and act like nothing happened? You disgust me." She got up and left. She didn't take her food with her. She grabbed her back pack and ran off.

I felt sorry now. She was angry at me for beating up her best friend. I guess jealousy took over my actions. I didn't think straight.

You never do


A Love Triangle  {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now