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A week has gone by since Ethan and Ryan had that fight in the hallway. I am still very confused on why they were fighting since none of them told me the reason. I had ignored Ryan for the whole week. I stayed by Ethan.

It was a wonderful Saturday morning and I was happy that there was no school. I had woken up a few hours ago and made myself a cup of coffee. At the moment I was taking sips of my coffee and watching a rerun of Teen Wolf .I really couldn't wait for the new season. I got up and went into the kitchen to drop off my now empty cup. I made my way back into the living room when I heard a knock.

Opening the door there I saw Ryan."You can't be here." I said.

"Why? Is that idiot here?" he said peering, trying to see if Ethan was here.

"He has a name and no. He's not here."

"Then why can't I be here?" he rudely asked.

"Because I don't want you here. You know just because I'm friends with Ethan doesn't mean he chooses who my friends are. I choose for myself. I don't want you here. So you need to leave." I said sternly.

"Ok. Look I'm sorry for fighting with Ethan. Would you please forgive me?"

"That's nice of you to apologize. But I'm not the one who needs it, and you know who you need to apologize to." I said with a smirk. He sighed and turned around.


After I had done my homework, I went shopping with Ethan. He bought some sweatshirts from Abercrombie and Fitch. He said he need new ones because most of his were either too small to wear or had stains. I agree. He had a red one that showed his navel. Then he had a white one with food stains on it that never came off. Gross.

I needed new swimsuits since summer was on its way. I got some and bought some crop tops and new jeans.

We walked together over to Taco Bell. Ethan got a taco then I got a slushy. Ethan ate as I drank my beverage. I watched him as he put it in his mouth. He took a bite then slowly chewed it up. I didn't notice that I was still staring until he started snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Earth to Amber?" he chuckled.

"Yeah." I blushed from embarrassment.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah yeah. Sorry." apologized.

"It's alright. It's good to know that I am drool worthy." he grinned.

"You wish." I shoved his shoulder.

"That's not what your face said." this time he laughed and I covered my face with my hair.

When he was done eating, we continued walking around the mall looking in shops and on carts. We found a phone case cart. We got matching cases. I got a white nike case with a black tick and he got a black case with a with a white tick.

We had finished for the day. We were walking back to Ethan's car when he suddenly grabbed onto my free hand. I looked at our hands, then up to meet he's eyes. Silently trying to ask him why he grabbed my hand, but he wasn't looking at me. He was looking forward. My eyes followed his own and I spotted Ryan. He wasn't alone. He was with a girl. I have never seen her up until now. She had long brown hair that fell just above her waist. I could only see her back. This was because she was heavily making out with Ryan.

My heart dropped. I knew that I had some sort of attraction towards Ethan, but I still liked Ryan a little bit. So seeing him with another girl still hurt me.

You know like when your brain is telling you to move on because it knows nothing will happen. It tries to warn you about the bad things that are going to happen. Instead, your heart is telling to wait patiently. Maybe he might change his ways and come back to you. It is telling you to wait because if by chance you move on, he may like you back. Then you wouldn't be able to do anything. Which would you follow? Because I know I would always choose my heart.

So seeing him with her broke me. I hadn't realized that tears were falling from my eyes until Ethan started to wipe them up with his thumbs.

"Amber you don't need to cry over him. You are much better and can do better than him. Don't cry. Your breaking my heart."

I tried to smile, but I'm sure it came out more as a grimace than a smile.

He slowly started to lean in. I panicked so I went in for a hug. I wasn't ready for all this. Ethan drove me home. In the car there was silence. It wasn't the nice type, it was the awkward kind. I watched him. He tried to come up with a conversation starter but he always kept his mouth shut.

I got home. Went straight to my room and jumped onto my bed.

I have now realized

I like Ethan

I like him way more than a friend. He has been there for me through everything. Even if he wasn't here from the start, he has been there throughout.

Words can't even express how much I like him. His smile. His dimple that appears on his left cheek when he laughs. The crease on his forehead that appears when he is thinking too hard. Everything is amazing about him.

I can now finally admit it

I like Ethan, my best friend. How did this happen?


We finally hit 1 year of the publication of this book!!🎈🎉🎁🎊 and I am so grateful. This book will finally have an ending after all.

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