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"What are you talking about, every girl falls for me. They practically throw themselves at me", he said in shock.

"Well Ryan, cliche or not, I am not like any of those girls." I replied in disgust. He opened and closed his mouth- like a fish. I took this opportunity and walked away.


I was walking home when Becky pulled up in her Honda.

"You want a ride?" she asked

"No, I'm fine walking." I replied.

"You sure?" she asked.

"Yeah." I replied. She looked at me skeptically, but drove off. I made my way into my house. My brother was sitting on the couch watching one of his lame TV shows on.

"Hi Dyl." He saw me and turned around.

"Hey Am, what's up?" he asked.

"Nothing. Just going to do some homework." I replied.

"Ok." he said. As I was walking away he spoke again, "Hey Am? Why were you sad earlier today?" he asked suspiciously.

"Oh it was nothing, really." I assured him.

"I know when there's something wrong. Something is definitely bothering you." I said. My brother always knew when I was feeling down, there was no way I could get away with lying. I told him everything that happened with Ryan.


That night I slept like a baby. I felt like there was a weight lifted off my chest.


I woke up pretty early the next morning so I decided to get dressed and head out for breakfast.

"Good morning Amber." my brother greeted me.

"Good morning Dylan." I replied.

"Don't let him near you today. Ok?" he said not mentioning his name.

"Ok." I left after breakfast with Dylan and hurried off to school. We made it just before the bell rang.

"Just in time." I muttered to myself.

My first class was music. All we did was just sit around and use our phones or read a book. Our teacher was out sick and no other teacher volunteered to substitute him.

The next class I had was gym. I didn't have it with Becky, so I made my way to the locker rooms. After I had changed into a pair of black shorts a white shirt and some Nike airs, I went into the gym.

"Today we are playing dodge ball!" the coach shouted. You could hear some groans and grunts. "Okay, group your selves in 5's".

We did as we were told. In our group there were boys named Leo, Donny and Zach and a girl named Melissa and then there was me.

We were good. We played so many teams and won. Now it was us against Ryan's team. Leo threw the ball at a boy named Brad and it hit him straight in his face. We hit his team mates and they hit mine.

It was only left with Ryan and I. One on one. He threw the ball at me but I ducked.

"Is that all you've got, Stiles?" I asked.

"That's not all, Clark", he said. He threw another ball. The ball was so close to hitting me, everything went into slow motion. It was like I was in The Matrix The ball was about to hit me when I jumped and everything went back into motion. He had used all his balls and I still had two plus his own, so four balls.

"Hahaha. You have no balls left", I said in victory. I threw one ball and it hit him square in the face.

"Oww." he whimpered clutching his nose.

"And the winner is.... Amber Clark and her team mates." the coach said. Our team grouped up and gave a group hug around me.

I got into the locker room. I showered and changed into a fresh pair of clothes.

It was now lunch time and we had a little meet up near the bleachers. Turns out Leo is very sweet. He is so nice. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He is very smart. He sat with us at lunch today. We  were chatting about the incident in gym class when my brother called me down.

I went down from the bleachers heading towards my big brother and his friends. He introduced me to them. Some of them were flirty and some were nice.

After lunch we headed into our last class of the day. Math. When I got in with Becky and Leo, we sat together. I noticed that Ryan wasn't in class. I shrugged off the thought.

The class was boring as usual and guess what? More homework yay! Note the sarcasm.

Class ended, finally. I got up from my seat and headed towards my locker. As I was walking someone pulled me into a room.


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