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It felt like someone was holding my head under water because I couldn't breathe. He was my ex-boyfriend. As I said before I was a complete nobody, I wouldn't be surprised if you were asking how I got a boyfriend. To answer your question, it happened back last year just before Christmas break.

"Would you be my girlfriend?" Colton asked. I really liked  Colton. I had for a very long time. I was surprised when he asked me out of all the people in the school.

"Yes I will be." I answered oblivious to all the drama that would eventually  occur in the future.

We had been dating for a month, he seemed happy and I was happy. Class had ended and I was meeting Colton in the lunch room for a 1 month anniversary. "I can't believe he remembered." I said to myself. I was feeling all giddy inside. A noise in a closet nearby stopped my trip to cafeteria.

"Colton." the person moaned. There was only one Colton in this school and... it was my Colton. Instead of barging in I put my ear to the door and listened.

"I couldn't believe you had agreed to the bet." what bet I thought. "She is such a loser to think that you could actually like her." the person giggled. Now I was angry. I opened the door to find the school's harlot, Gabriella Devereaux, straddling Colton James, my boyfriend!

"What are you doing?!" I yelled on top of my lungs. They didn't seem to have an answer so I continued. "Colton if this." I gestured towards Gabriella."Is what you want then its fine with me. Since it was just a bet I know that you wouldn't mind if I told you that this 'relationship' is over", I finished and stormed out of the room. Tears began steaming down my face.

I wasn't angry. I was just disappointed. After that people just made fun of me. I didn't speak to Colton again.

I hadn't spoken to Colton in months and suddenly now he appears. Great, just great.

"Amber." I hadn't noticed I had spaced out until Ryan called me. "Are you ok?"

"Yes sorry just dazed." I replied. He didn't seem convinced but he just shrugged it off. As we ate our meals that the waiter brought us, Colton came to our table.

"For fucks sake." I mumbled.

"Hello Amber, long time no see, huh?" he asked.

"Hello Colton, yes I guess and thank gosh for that." I mumbled the last part.

"So what sure you doing here with him?" he spat at Ryan.

"It's none of your business. Unless you really want to know. In that case, I am here on a date as you can see. So if you don't mind, could you please go." I said smugly.

"Still the same old Amber I remember." he said "If you want me to, I'll leave." he said. I nodded in response. He walked away and left us in peace.

"What was that all about?" Ryan asked.

"Nothing really." I sighed. "Just my ex boyfriend. He's not anything to worry about." I said eyeing Colton as he walked out of the restaurant.

I hope

After our meal, Ryan payed for the dinner and drove me home.

When we got to my home I said goodbye to Ryan and went to my room to change into pajamas and went to sleep.


I woke up not feeling like going to school. So I called my brother in and told him that I wasn't feeling well. He told me to stay in bed and I did. When he left for school, I made my way downstairs to watch a movie.

I was enjoying the movie when there was a knock at my door. I got up and went to check.

I opened the door and there stood Colton.

"What do you want Colton?" I asked really not caring.

"I am here to see you." he replied.

"Well you've seen me now goodbye." I tried to close the door but his leg  prevented me to.

"What do you want now? And how did you even find my house?" I asked irritated.

"I want you." he replied ignoring my second question. He leaned in, I put my hands out to stop him from moving any closer.

"Colton, I know you are just saying this because you saw me and Ryan together. Trust me Colton, I will never again date an idiotic jerk like you, so why don't you go and play in traffic." I answered with a straight face. I slammed the door shut and locked it.


A Love Triangle  {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now