[ a favored hindrance ] (4)

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Authors note: this chapter's more of a filler chapter :)

(just in case)> mentions an episode of Parks and Rec from Season 2.

Trigger Warning:
Mentions of drug addiction, talk of relapse, and recovery.

Spencer's POV:

"Hey Spence, need a ride?" The blonde asked as she gathered up her things from her desk. After picking up her assets, she turned to Spencer waiting for a response.

"No, I think I'm good." He smiled at her offering before heading straight to Hotch's office to drop off his paperwork for the evening.

Hotch had given the team the rest of the afternoon off, to go home. Their last case took a toll on everyone, as they usually do. They stayed up for 48 hours and only got a few hours of sleep the next night. Dozens of coffee cups were refilled throughout each day, and the orders of take out were obnoxious.

On second thought, maybe having someone drive him home wouldn't be such a bad idea.

Spencer called out to the woman just as she was about to push past the glass doors. "JJ!"

She paused in her tracks, turning around to face him with raised eyebrows. "Actually, a ride would be amazing."

She smiled nodding, and waited for Spencer to return to his desk and grab his belongings.

Both he and JJ headed out of the BAU building towards her car. She unlocked the doors of her SUV, Spencer getting into the passenger's side while she sat in the driver's seat.

As they pulled out of the parking lot, Spencer laid his head against the headrest and closed his eyes. The humming of the car silencing his other thoughts- that was until JJ spoke.

"So... how are you feeling?" She asked, obviously uncomfortable with the silence between the two.

Spencer's eyes fluttered back open, and he sighed. "I've been better."

JJ watched his face shift towards the window, leaning his forehead against the cold glass. She wore a sympathetic expression, turning her attention back to the road. "...and your mom?"

Spencer watched as his breath fogged up the glass, the rows of trees blurring into a wall of army green from the speed of the car. The grey sky sulked over them as if it were some setting archetype for the week's mood.

He was aware of JJ talking, her voice was just faint compared to the thoughts circling his mind and the external noises coming from the car. He didn't have the energy to go into a deeper conversation right now.

"Spence?" She repeated.

"Yeah?" He said blandly.

JJ glanced back over to him in her peripheral field. She tapped her fingertips against the steering wheel as she repeated her question.

"How's your mom doing? Have the doctors said anything new about her condition?"

Spencer hesitated speaking. He would get these questions frequently each week, as if the answer would somehow magically change overnight. But the question still remains asked- to which he would typically say, 'she's fine.'

This week however, he had gotten a call regarding her status and as predicted, she was getting worse.

I'm desperate for some sort of distraction, anything. I can't deal with the inevitable script today.

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