[ first day ] (6)

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Trigger Warning:
Includes brief reference to healed wounds and scars, and mild descriptions detailing content of case files.

Y/n's POV:

The alarm on your phone went off.

You groaned as sleep tugged at your lids. Rubbing your tired eyes, you pried your head off your ruffled pillow and propped yourself up on your elbows. You reached for your phone shutting off the alarm, so the roaring pitch wouldn't strain your ears with its relatively loud hum. As you turned off the alarm, you saw the time.


"Ugh," you muttered. "Why this early?"

You threw your phone next to you on the other side of the bed, while you buried your face back down into the pillow. Your heavy lids about pulled you back into your deep slumber, before they shot back open with realization. Today's your first day at the BAU.

You practically jumped out from under the comforter, turning on your night stand lamp before you stumbled your way into your bathroom.

"Shit!" you cursed, stopping yourself in front of the bathroom mirror. You examined your disheveled state, tugging at your knotted hair and wrinkled pajamas. You pulled away from the sink to quickly turn on the shower faucet, and began running the water. As you made your way back into your bedroom, you stripped yourself of your clothes while you let the shower warm up.

You took a quick shower, lathering up your hair and scalp with your lavender shampoo --then after, conditioning the ends. You washed your body with your oatmeal soap; gently passing over your small scars that lined your stomach, thighs, and arms. Even though they weren't open wounds, you swore you could still feel them tingle and sting anytime they were touched.

Once you got out of the shower, you wrapped yourself up in a towel, making your way over to the sink to brush your teeth. You quickly concluded your daily hygiene routine and soon were rumudging through your closet and dresser picking out your work clothes for the day. As always, you picked something that didn't show much skin. A stone blue long sleeve button up tucked into a pair of black high rise jeans, paired with black heels; you rolled up the sleeves of your shirt to just above the wrist.

Going back into the bathroom, you put on light natural makeup, and curled your hair into loose waves after drying it; leaving it down for the day. You quickly grabbed your purse, keys, and box of desk belongings and hurried out of your apartment, locking the door behind you.


You entered the elevator and watched the doors begin to close as someone yelled out "Hold the doors!" You stuck your foot between the gap so they would open back up once again. A tall African American man stepped inside.

"Thank you."

"No problem, what floor?" You gave him a friendly smile as you hit the number for your floor.

He noticed the same number as his floor was lit up, "Same floor as you, pretty girl."

"Oh, awesome." You furrowed your brows with question and laughed quietly at the sudden bold nickname. "So I'm guessing you work for the Behavioral Analysis Unit?" The elevator began to bring you both up the floor.

"Yep, I'm SSA Derek Morgan." He held out his hand to shake yours.

You took it, "I'm Y/n Y/l/n."

"So, you must be the new Communications Liaison for the team?"

"Mhm, that's me." The elevator doors opened and you both walked out of the lift and through the glass doors. You looked around the bullpen taking in the sounds of paperwork and phone calls, and roasted smells of fresh coffee.

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