[ prologue - room 307 ] (1)

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Trigger Warning:
Content includes descriptions of bruises and cuts resulting from physical abuse.

Y/n's POV:

The only thing you heard was the wind roaring in your ears. It was air with a passion, and you welcomed its deafening chorus. The wind confidently sang its song through your hair, through the trees. The coldness was haunting, it froze your tears before they had a chance to leave your cheeks.

You would think that the breeze would block out your thoughts but it just made them louder. You had never thought of yourself as the type of person to run away from your problems in life but yet, here you are. Sitting in your car with no seatbelt, speeding down the freeway with the windows down and half of your possessions stuffed into the back of the car.

You hastily glanced at your GPS and to your surprise saw that you had only been driving for 25 minutes. You knew the drive to D.C. wasn't going to be long but it felt as if though, you had been driving for hours. You clenched your steering wheel as you went faster, faster still.

The bruises that wrapped their way around your wrist, pounded in rainbow hues. Yesterday's bruises were most vibrant on your fair skin. You quickly realized that your hasty attempt at covering the ones on your face with concealer was proved unsuccessful as you glanced in your rearview mirror.

Christopher was your fiance-- technically still is. You've been engaged to him for two years now but have been dating for three.

He wasn't like this at first. Back then he was nicer, driven, and soft. But something had changed in him after the first year. You hadn't realized what was happening to you for a while --and still don't know when it all had truly started.

He began to drink constantly and would even empty a whole case before the late-night shows aired on television. His blue, trying eyes became ice-cold, and they glared at you with every chance they got. He rarely left the house unless it was for work, and he never let you leave the house without his permission.

Before you left early this morning, though, you disabled all of the home security features he had put in within the last year. Alarms, remote locks, all of the above. And that includes the phone you're desperate to replace.

He won't be able to find you this time. He can't find you this time, not after what had happened when he found you hiding out at your coworker's place. You just had to take advantage of the open opportunity that arose when he said he would need to be away on a month long business trip.

The three weeks prior had been for planning. Earlier this year you had gone back to school to get your third bachelor's degree in psychology; already being a school graduate for your studies in communications and linguistics.

You had applied for many jobs in D.C. but temporarily picked up a position at a local library somewhat close to your new apartment complex. Still waiting to hear back from them.

You packed only the things you could fit in your car and take in a hurry, like your clothes, toiletries, and shoes. For a while, you had been saving up some money for this moment. You figured that you could use it to start your life back over again and go grocery shopping, which you desperately needed, considering your empty cupboards waiting in the apartment kitchen.

Chris had never left you alone for that long, and you weren't sure whether it was a blessing or a curse. The last words that he preached before he went off made you uneasy.

"Be good for me, will you?"

Now every time, you replay them in your head, your stomach turns, and chills run down your spine. The thought of his sandpaper fingers brushing along your smooth skin stuck around in your mind, and air caught in your throat.

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