Chapter 11.4

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A/N: okay gorgeous people, here it is. The very last chapter of arc 1. The last really horrible bit. So I'll say sorry, and give you a content warning for violence

Gabriel settled into the unusually soft touch as Sawyer removed the blindfold and gag, and worked the knots loose around his wrists and thighs.

"You took your punishment well, though I wish you wouldn't force me to punish you that way."

"Thank you Master," he managed to murmur, his eyes closing as his cheek rested on the bench. He'd have to get up in a moment, and he wasn't sure his strained muscles were going to be able to lift him, so he was taking his rest where he could.

"You probably took it a little too well..."

Gabriel tensed at Sawyer's tone, which was considering, thoughtful, but with a dark edge.

"Please, no more," he whimpered, unable to hide the current of fear.

Sawyer didn't say anything for a moment, pulling Gabriel upright, the tenderness gone from his touch, depositing him on the bed.

"You were completely silent. I'm not sure they went hard enough."

Gabriel stared. That was so unfair. They'd gone plenty hard, and he winced at the rough burn inside him. Sawyer just didn't like it when Gabriel made too much noise, and he'd wanted to do good in taking his punishment. He'd wanted to prove he was trying. And now Sawyer was saying it was proof Gabriel hadn't done good? Gabriel wanted to cry, could feel it building, except that would only make Sawyer more angry. He hated it when Gabriel cried.

"Please Master. It hurt. I promise I know I was bad before. Please don't do anything else. Don't say I didn't take my punishment properly."

Gabriel gulped at the transformation on Sawyer's face as he listened to his plea. He shouldn't have said anything. He'd made him angrier. The tears threatened even harder now, at the almost certain knowledge that he would be getting another punishment for the backchat.

But he was so tired. He didn't want that. He didn't think he could take any more right now, in any format. He just wanted to go to sleep, to forget what had just happened and continue with their lives, with their little routines that didn't include being used like an inanimate sex doll for his Master's friends. He'd only...he didn't know.

He regretted saying anything, but he just needed Sawyer to not suddenly feel like sharing Gabriel with his friends was a good thing, and want to do it more. He didn't think he'd do it under normal circumstances – Sawyer was not a sharing kind of man – but even as a punishment...

Gabriel knew it wasn't as if he was meant to like it. He wasn't stupid, regardless of what he got told. He knew it was meant to punish him and make him to things he didn't want and to push him beyond things he was comfortable with – because what would be the point otherwise? Sawyer had told him that often enough, and he got it, he did. But, even so, he didn't want Master's friends to become a part of that.

But then he remembered what Jules had said to him in the club and clutched onto it in his desperation. "Master, what are safewords?"


"It's just, Ju- um, I just heard someone say something. And I was wondering if that's something I'm meant to have."

"Oh?" Sawyer walked a little closer to the bed, his face a mask of intensity. "Why would you think you need safewords? What makes you think you deserve something like that?"

"It's not- I don't- I was just wondering."

Sawyer went to the tall chest of drawers, opening it and moving something unseen around, refusing to look at Gabriel.

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