Chapter 2.1

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A/N: a couple of CW relating to Gabe and Henry's relationship at the bottom...

Plus, for further discussions and a lot of awesome authors, I'd love to see you over at the Literary Lounge Discord. 

Gabriel turned the vacuum off. He was sure he'd heard something...but no. He moved around the large couch that took almost the whole space in the small first floor apartment, into the tiny kitchen area. Henry would be home soon, and he'd expect dinner to at least be started, but Gabriel had been distracted making the bathroom tiles sparkle and was late getting it prepared.

There was a knocking and Gabriel jumped. That must have been what he'd heard before and he paused for a moment to calm the erratic beating in his chest. He wasn't meant to answer the door, though whoever it was would definitely have heard the vacuum, and they knocked yet again.

"Are you in, Gabriel?" He heard the call through the flimsy door and it sounded like Mr. Brubaker, which would be strange. He'd never come to the apartment before. But then no-one had; Henry wasn't exactly welcoming of people in their secret home.

Gabriel didn't know what to do. If Mr. Brubaker came in – realized just how tiny the apartment was and that there was certainly no room for two bedrooms – he'd quickly become suspicious.

"Gabriel, I have important news!"

But... he didn't seem inclined to go anywhere, so, really, the only sensible thing to do was open the door and find out what he wanted.

Gabriel compromised with himself, approaching quietly as he heard Brubaker shuffling on the other side, placing the safety chain on as silently as possible, before opening it just a crack.

"Mr. Brubaker? Can I help you? Sorry, I was using the vacuum."

"That's alright, Gabriel. Perhaps I could come-,"

"Sorry, Sir, um, I shouldn't let anyone in while Henry isn't here, he says New York isn't safe."

"Oh...okay." Surprise flashed over Brubaker's face, followed by something that looked a little like offense. "Well, it's good news. I spoke to the representative from the London Philharmonic, and they want you to audition. I mean, several of the smaller orchestras asked for you as well, but Henry has been rather insistent that you'd only accept one of the larger ones..."

"Uh, yes."

"Well, that's wonderful news, isn't it?"

"Mr. Brubaker!" Henry appeared behind the Director, a scowl in place as he glanced to the cracked door. "To what do we owe this pleasure?"

"I was just telling Gabriel that London wanted him to audition." Mr. Brubaker stared back at Gabriel for a moment, as if he expected Henry's appearance to grant him access to the apartment, but Gabriel didn't do anything, and Henry stood to one side, making no move to enter.

"Well, that's to be expected," Henry said, arrogant on Gabriel's behalf. "You can email me the details."

"Well...y-yes," Brubaker sputtered, "I thought it would be nice to notify him in person. It's a big deal..."

"Well, you've done that. I know he's very happy."

Henry held his hand out in a clear dismissal, and Mr. Brubaker shook it, slightly dazedly, wondering off to the front with a puzzled glance back over his shoulder; Henry waiting until he'd passed through to the outside before moving to the apartment door, which Gabriel opened for him. He stood just inside the doorway as Henry came through, wondering whether he'd receive congratulations, but he walked right past, placing the bag he'd been carrying on the kitchen counter.

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