Arc 2 Chapter 1.2

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A/N: sooooo I'd written this chapter, and then I came back to check it before posting and I hated it. So I rewrote the majority of it and I hope it's okay - I'm much happier with the flow now

Gabriel was grateful he only had two more days in that ward – two more days of perky nurse Felicity interrupting his sleep every night. He was grateful for her care (and if he had to actively remind himself of that every time she woke him, then so be it), but it was exhausting interacting with someone so cheerful when his insides felt as though they'd been scooped out. The best thing about her was her ability to carry out a cheerful one-sided conversation without expecting anything more than monosyllabic grunts in response.

He wasn't being attending to by Dr Kemholt or nurse Owen, which he was disappointed by. He was sure all the doctors and nurses who did see him were very good, but there was something comfortable about those two that he wasn't getting from anyone else.

He did see Owen, who came round an hour after the on-call doctor had told him he'd be moving to the regular ward the next day. He visited – his shift apparently over because he was wearing skinny jeans and sneakers, his hair freshly washed and damp tendrils dripping onto his cute baggy sweater – perching on the side of Gabriel's bed and taking his hand.

"How are they treating you?"

"Fine. Yeah. Everyone's kind." It was noncommittal. They were doing their best, but he was only ever a short-term patient for them.

"Are you looking forward to moving?"

"It will be better when I can leave." Even though the thought made him queasy. He had no idea where he'd even go.

"Soon, I'm sure. You're moving to my ward, so I'll see you there."

Gabriel was relieved. Even without knowing anything, he knew Owen's presence would help.

* * * * *

"What will you tell him?" Owen stretched himself along the bed, feeling the ache in his well-used muscles as he flung an arm over Gray's stomach, dislodging the thick periodical he was reading.

"Oh, back with me, are you?" Gray's rich baritone chuckle sent shivers buzzing down Owen's spine as he closed the journal and carefully placed his glasses on top, pulling Owen closer.

"I'm serious," Owen huffed, hiding the flush of his cheeks against the side of Gray's torso. He'd been working hard lately, he'd deserved a nap.

"So am I, baby boy. Two amazing orgasms, if I do say so myself, and you just roll over and fall asleep, leaving me hanging."

"I'm sorry, Sir," Owen let a smirk form, feeling refreshed after his sleep and ready for anything. "You can punish me, so hard. But after you've told me what your plan is for Gabe."

Gray laughed, kissing the top of Owen's head. "Oh, I will, baby. About Gabe, though? I don't know. It's a crap shoot. We've seen some shock can work, but we have no idea what that bastard really did to him. Just coming out and telling him everything I know about Montgomery? It could trigger him. But he might have information locked away in his brain that will help the police."

"I think we need to think about Gabe as a higher priority than Montgomery, or even the police. He's traumatized already, he just doesn't understand."

"True. But it's only fair to him to have some information. We don't have to be explicit, but he's going to have questions, and you know how I feel about lying."

"Truth to questions, but let him heal a bit more before the really bad stuff comes out," Owen suggested.

"Okay baby, I agree. Only the bare basics to see if it prompts any memories. Nothing specific."

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