Arc 2 Chapter 2.1

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A/N: sorry this took longer than usual - I basically hated what was already written and had to re-write the whole thing. Which also means I've set myself up to have to re-write the next few chapters, oops.

Do let me know if you come across anything egregiously confusing

Gabriel was thankful that his doctors were pleased with his progress – physical progress, anyway – and said he could be discharged after only four more days. Owen had come into his room that morning and told him, and had practically begged that he come stay with them. He claimed Dr Kemholt, or Gray, as he supposed he'd have to get used to calling him, had a big house and a housekeeper, and they wouldn't feel happy until they knew he was safe.

Gabriel supposed they were probably worried he'd go running back to this Sawyer Montgomery, even though the man hadn't been to see him and he had no idea where he lived. He told himself – and told Owen – that he'd accept because, without his memories, he had nowhere else to go. But really, if he let himself accept it, there was also the fact that every time Owen and Gray were in his room, he felt safer. He just didn't know what he was feeling safer from.

His bags were packed and he was waiting for Owen to finish his shift and come pick him up when he realized he was already here, in the corridor, having a hushed conversation with someone. He saw it was Gray when they both came into his room.

"Talking about me?" Gabe asked, half joking, but Gray looked at Owen almost in panic.

"Gabe, sweetheart," Owen said softly, one hand over his, petting as if he was an animal to be soothed. It worked, but Gabriel wasn't going to think about how much he liked the contact from Owen. About when he might last have had a non-medical touch of skin. "We need you to know something before we take you home. Gray's a- a therapist. He helps people who've been through bad situations."


"We mentioned the club we think you were in, but I don't think the name meant anything to you," Gray picked up.


"It's a BDSM club."


"We think there's a good chance you are in the lifestyle, though you can't remember."

Gabe felt his breath getting shorter until Owen took his hand again.

"We know you didn't invite your injuries, Gabe. Just because you're into certain things doesn't mean you deserve to be beaten."

"How- how do you know?" All Gabe could think was that he'd put himself into some situation; gone to some club where people get whipped and chained up, and put himself into a situation where he got hurt. He felt the burn of shame climbing his throat, but Owen's clear green eyes looked right into his, grounding him.

"No, Gabe. There is a difference between masochism and what happened to you. I promise. And you will get understanding from us. That's why it's important that you know, before we drive you home. Because we're in the lifestyle too. That's why it's easy to recognize the signs, and easy to know the difference."

He heard Owen's words, though his mind had stuttered on one. 'Masochism'. He knew, now, that was what he was. A masochist. He liked to get hurt. But no, not this way, not this much. He had to focus on the rest of Owen's words, on his understanding, to stop himself from disassociating. He could feel his mind desperate to pull him under, and he couldn't let it.

* * * * *

"I'll get Gabe," Owen offered after he'd greeted Weston Brown, the detective in charge of Gabriel's case.

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