Arc 2 Chapter 6.1

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When François and Gray had heard the full story about Kaiya's abandonment, they had swept in in a storm of righteous fury. François had insisted immediately that Kaiya stay, and had called the lawyer his family used – not caring it was after ten at night by then – instructing her to look into Kaiya's visa options. The pair of them had also growled a lot about what they'd do to John when they saw him next.

It had been three days and François had assured Kaiya there'd be something they could do, he was sure, but the lawyer hadn't come through yet.

Kaiya was settling into the house though, even if he was quieter than Gabe had been even on his first day. He mainly followed Gabe around, but that was fine. He was a sweet shadow to have.

"Are you excited?" he asked Gabe while they ate the breakfast Alanna had made them. François was working in his office in the club and Ellis had gone out with Dae. Gabe still wasn't too eager to go out for no reason, and besides, today was going to be his first session with Gray and Owen.

"More nervous right now."

"Fair. Did you do a contract or anything?"

"Not yet, but I guess that's what we'll talk about today. I doubt we'll jump right into it. Will we?"

"I'm the last person to ask. I've only ever been with John this way, and when I told Ellis the way he did stuff he was pretty annoyed, so I guess I don't really know how to do it properly."

"It's a crime, the way you've been treated," Laurent said, from the doorway.

Gabe jumped. "Are you a fucking ghost? What is with you sneaking up on people?"

He went pink immediately and Kaiya gasped – whether at his shout or his language, he didn't know. Laurent just laughed though – that sleazy chuckle that seemed to come out every time he spoke to Gabe. And Gabe, forgive him, didn't hate the sound or the way it made his stomach clench.

Laurent slid onto the stool by Gabe's side.

"And how are you both this morning? Well rested I hope?"

"Fine," Gabe said for both of them while Kaiya found something very interesting in his apple juice.

Loki came in then, going straight to the coffee after a gruff 'morning', and pouring himself a huge mug. Gabe noticed that Kaiya had found something other than his juice to stare at, and grinned.

Gabe hadn't spoken to Loki very much but, unlike Laurent, he was a calming presence. It was almost nice to know he didn't like mornings as it made him less unattainable. And the way Kaiya was sneaking looks, that could be a good thing.

"How are you both?" Loki asked when he sat down, ignoring Laurent, who snorted.

Gabe glared at him, which just made him do it again.

"We're good, thanks Loki. Have you got plans for the day?"

"Actually," he paused, like he had to think about his words. Gabe understood when he continued. "I was hoping to do some sightseeing."

Laurent opened his mouth, only to yelp, and it was Gabe's turn to snort.

"Ah well, I'd love to show you around, but I've got an appointment this morning. Hey, Kaiya? You could show Loki around the city?"

Kaiya stuttered for a moment, and went deep pink, but he managed to agree eventually, and Gabe saw how pleased Loki looked when Kaiya went to change, before he disappeared a moment later.

"So," Gabe mused, "Loki likes Kaiya."

"Well, it's good to know you aren't completely blind to the signs of attraction."

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