Day 4

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Day 4: Nathan's Announcement
I wake up in my room. I look around. I check my phone. I see a bunch of texts from Ryan.
•Authors note: This is gonna be what Ryan texted from yesterday.
1. "Hey babe"
2. "Oh, Nathan told me you had another seizure. I'm so sorry baby. He didn't want me to come so you could rest.
3. "Maybe tomorrow I'll come see you. 😉 love you baby. Hope you feel better."
I reply, "Lol, I love you too babe. Maybe see you later"
I get up. I'm so wore out from last night. I wish Ryan was here now. I miss him. My phone rings. I answer. I hear nothing. "Hello?" I ask. "Amy, its Nathan. Come down to my office please." He hangs up. I walk out of my room until I get stopped by Cole. "Where are you going, girl?" I laugh. "Nathan called me down to his office." He nods. I walk down. I see Nathan at his desk, he looks confused. I knock slightly. He looks up. "Oh, Amy, please sit". He sounds excited. "What's going on?" I asked scared. "Amy, the army corporation has been dealing with scary haunts during the day. I told them you could help them with that." "Oh god" I think. "Sure. But when?" Then he says the moment of truth. "Tomorrow." My head feels like a bomb just went off. I storm out of the room. "Amy, wait!" I ignore him and continue to walk to my room. I walk in and slam my door. I start to hear my intercom in my room come on. "Sweetheart?" I scream. "Oh, sorry, didn't mean to scare you. You ok? Why did you slam the door?" I sigh. "Nathan told me that the army is having ghost trouble and they want me to help. Should I do it?"
"I don't know sweetie, it's your choice" I sigh. "Thanks for the help, Cole" He laughs. I lay on my bed. My phone vibrates. Lying is the most fun a girl can have by Panic at the disco is playing. Ryan's cute face is on the screen. I answer. "Hey babe, what's up?" He laughs. "Open your door" I walk over to my door. I open it to nobody other than Ryan. "Omg, Ryan!"
"Hey babe." We kiss. I hug him so tightly. I feel so safe in his arms. We walk over to couch and I sit on his lap. He looks in my eyes. "So what's up, beautiful?" I sigh. "Well, Nathan wants me to help the army with a ghost problem. Should I do it?" He gives me a cute little puppy dog face. "I don't want you to cause I'll miss you babe" I laugh. "Awww, I know. I'll miss you too babe." I kiss him. "I think you should do it though babe." I sigh. "Ok." We kiss. So Ryan thought we would go out to eat. We pull up to Applebee's. We sat down at the bar. I have a coke and Ryan has a Budweiser. After we got done eating our food, Ryan goes to the bathroom. Arms come behind me. "Hey baby" he whispers. I get turned around. His hands go down my waist and start between my legs. "Let me go!" I yell. Ryan sees what's happening and he runs up to the guy. He punches him in the face. The guy falls on the floor. I sit at the table, crying. Ryan puts me in the car. He forgot his card so he went to get it. A little bit later, he comes back. "The women at the register gave us some coupons cause of what happened" he laughs. I sit in the passenger seat, scared. I'm shaking, palms are sweaty, and my heart is pounding. My vision starts to get blurry. My head starts to hurt. I start to thrust back and forth. "I'm having another seizure?! Damn" I think. Ryan calls 911. Here comes an ambulance. Ryan waves his arm out the window. Ryan, who is scared for his life, carries me to the gurney. I'm still slightly thrusting. The paramedics hold me down, finally. I lay there, in shock. I look around. It hurts my head to move. All I see is a paramedic putting my mask on. The next morning, I wake up in a hospital bed. The sun is blinding me from my window. "What time is it?" I thought. I look around. "There's not a clock?" I thought. I lean up to get my phone. A sharp pain stings in my back. "Ow" I grunt. I click on my phone. 10:53 it reads. I look around again. I see a tv. I shrug my shoulders. I turn it on to Drake and Josh. I watch it for a few minutes. A few minutes later, I hear a knock at my door. "Come in" I groan. It's Ryan. "Hey, baby. How you feeling?" He comes over and kisses my head. "Sore. Everywhere. And I can't feel anything" He hums. "Yeah, doctor said you might have a little bit of something wrong with your head so they are gonna do some tests later." I'm confused. "Then how am I awake?" "Oh, nothing's was wrong with it last night. I'm just saying internally not externally." "Oh ok. Thank you for coming babe" He smiles. "Of course, why wouldn't I?" I shrug. He laughs. We kiss. "I told Nathan you were here babe." I nod. I hear the door knock. "It's open." Ryan says. Nathan and Cole walk in. "Hey girl, how you feeling'?" Cole asks. "Alright, just sore all over." They nod. They both come up and kiss me on the head. Nathan brought me some flower, Ryan brought me a stuffed bear, a card, and a ballon with a heart on it, and Cole brought me a stuffed bear too. I grabbed my bear. It was holding a heart and it said, "I love you" on it. I lay my head on it. A few minutes later, I fall asleep.

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