Day 11-13

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Day 11: Might need help
I know it seemed like everything was fine in the previous chapter but everything is getting worse. It's been 3 months since then and everything is just....ugh sucks. My parents want me back. I keep having more seizures. I just can't pull myself together. I can't sleep. Ryan and I are having problems. I told him to leave me alone until I get myself together. So he left last night. I wish just all this didn't happen. I keep having nightmares. I can't eat. My life's turning into a living hell. Im just glad I'm alone. I'm just gonna go to bed.
Day 12: Just A Day
I wake up with a major headache. I look over at the clock. 1 am it read. I said to myself,"damn", I lay back down. I keep tossing and turning. I lay in the middle of the bed. "Ahhhhhh! I can't sleep!" I yell. I get up and take something. I finally fall asleep. 9 hours later, I wake up. I look over at the clock. I grin. "Much better". I get up. I take a shower. I change into a spongebob sweatshirt and black leggings. I check my phone. 7 texts from none other than....Ryan. I ignore them. I lay my phone back down on the couch. I then hear my phone ring. "Ugh" I grunt a little. I grab it and I swipe. "Hello?" It's Nathan. "Amy, hey how are you?" I say,"I'm alright. I had a problem getting to sleep last night but I took something and I woke up about a few minutes ago. What's up?" "Uh, well, I don't know how to say this but....uh....Coles in the hospital" "What?! What happened?" "It's ok, he's fine. He was just in a car accident. His leg and an arms broke but he's ok. He might have a little but of memory loss but he's ok."
I sigh in relief. I ask,"Are you at the hospital with him? If so, which one?"
"Yes and northeast Georgia." "Ok, I'll be there soon" I hang up. I change into a chevron pattern over shirt and black tank top and I keep my leggings on. I curl my hair. I do a little bit of makeup. My dog runs into my room and jumps into my bed. I look for my keys. I say,"There you are, little devils" I get my keys. I look at Cocoa. "Come on get out of my room." She runs out and goes to her bed. I get my satchel and walk out the door. I get in the car. My throat feels sore. My eyes start watering. I take a deep breath and head to the hospital. I get there and I go up to the room. Cole is asleep. I walk over to Nathan. I hug him. I start to cry a little. I sit in one of the chairs. I check my phone. 4 more texts from Ryan. I roll my eyes. Nathan says,"Ryan and you ok ?" "We're fine. It's just with all this ghost crap happening and my seizures. It's like I can't be around him. I love him but i just don't want him to worry about me too much. So I'm just giving me and him some space. He keeps blowing up my phone though which is annoying" I laugh a little. "I guess I should at least answer him. I read all 11 of his messages.
1. Baby I hope your ok. I'm sorry
2. Baby it hurts me that all of this is happening to you. I love you
3. I miss you
4. I want to hold you
5. Please answer me :(
6. I love you and I'm sorry
7. I wanna see you to make sure your ok.
8. Good morning baby 😘
9. Babe?
10. Sorry I keep blowing up your phone. I love you ❤️
11. I miss you so much. I hope your feeling ok.
I smile. I exhale. I message him back, come over tonight I wanna see you and talk to you 😉. I click my phone off. Cole wakes up. I walk over to him. Nathan stands on the opposite side of him. "Cole, you ok? Do you know where you are?" He looks up at Nathan. He mumbles,"Who are you?" "Cole, it's Nathan. Do you remember me?" He shakes his head. He looks at me. One eye is swollen and the others squinted. He mumbles again,"Who are you?" Nathan says,"Cole it's Amy. Do you remember her?" "A little" I say,"I'm glad you're feeling a little better, buddy" He nods his head a little. My phone vibrates. It's Ryan. "Can't wait!" 😊. I reply," See you soon babe. I love you" 😘. I sit back in the chair. Coles nurse walks in. "Mr. Cole, are you-oh I didn't realize you had company" She looks at me and Nathan. "Hi, I'm nurse Janet. Nice to meet you both" She shakes Nathan's hand. "Nathan Dawkins." "Amy Myers". Nurse Janet shakes my hand. She walks over to Cole. "Cole, time to take your temperature". He sits up, coughs. "I feel cold". Jackie takes his temperature. "96.5 Your a little low." She walks over and turns off the fan. "Feeling any severe pain?" "Just a little in my leg but not any in my arm." He lays back down. "I should get going" I hug Nathan and wave goodbye to Cole. I say to Nathan,"Call me if anything changes" Nathan nods and kisses my forehead. I walk out and go home. I get in the car and try so hard not to cry. One tear rolls down my cheek. I go back home. I walk to my room. I slam down on the bed and check my phone. "Ryan: 4 Texts messages" it reads. Ryan's on his way I thought. I get up and change into a sweatshirt and jeans and my cowboy boots. I curl my hair and put my makeup on. I walk into the kitchen and get me a diet coke. I start to clean the house a little. I call for my dog, cocoa. She runs down the stairs. I let her outside into the backyard. I spray Lysol in the house. All of the sudden, my doorbell rings. Shit, it's Ryan! I go to answer it. I'm shaking. "Hey". I wave. "Come in" I lead him over to the couch. I say,"Well I've been thinking. I'm feeling better now." "That's good, baby" He hugs me. I wrap my arms around him. I look him deep in the eyes. We kiss. I laugh a little. "I missed that" He hugs me again. "I missed you. So much" "I missed you too babe" "You called me babe" "I want you back babe" We both stand up. I jump into his arms. I'm crying cause I'm so happy. He puts me down. "So, you will give me another chance?" He picks me up. "Yes. God yes I do! I love you babe!" "I love you too baby" I kiss him while he carries me upstairs to our room. He lays me down on the bed. He takes off his shirt and pants. He's standing in front of me with no shirt and boxers. He puts on a condom and lays on top of me. He puts his arms around my back and rubs it down to my bra. He unsnaps it and throws it across the room. He starts unzipping my jeans and kisses my neck. I nibble on his ear. He throws my jeans and we get underneath the covers. I whisper,"I love you" He starts to kiss my neck. "I love you more" he whispers back. 10 minutes later, we finish. I lay on his chest. I rub his stomach. I look up at his cute green eyes. I kiss him. My tongue slips in. A few minutes later, we are just laying in each other's arms. "I'm so glad we are better now baby. I missed you" "I missed you too" He rubs my back while we kiss. I look over at the clock. 1:00 am it reads. I say,"We should sleep. You wanna?" He shakes his head like a little kid and says"no". "Come on baby, its 1 in the morning" "Ok, come here" I lay on his chest and fall asleep while he rubs my back. Tonight was the best night ever.
Day 13: Hopefully Better Day
I wake up to my cute Ryan. He's sound asleep. I kiss his chest and I get up. I walk downstairs. Cocoa is sitting on the couch. She sees me and runs and jumps in my arms. I take her upstairs to Ryan. She runs on the bed and crawls on Ryan. He licks him. "Babe, I'm not ready" He wakes up. "Oh Cocoa! Hey!" He pets her. I'm standing at the door. "Good morning" I laugh. I come over to him. We kiss. "Did you bring her upstairs?" I nod and laugh. "I was gonna kiss you a lot to wake you up but then I thought what's better than dog slobber?" We laugh. "I'm hungry" I kiss him. "Still hungry" I crawl on top of him and kiss him all over and I kiss him and my tongue slips in. We make out a little bit. He says,"I'm full. But I am ready for breakfast though" I laugh. "Wanna go out or make something?" He says,"Let's go out" I smile and I hop into the shower.

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