Day 20

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Day 20: Hospital Again
(Thought) My head hurts like hell. I have a gashing hole in my head. I can't feel my left leg. I hear beeping. I'm surprised I'm alive. I can't move. I hear the door open. I think it's the nurse. "Amy, can you hear me?" If I could move I could nod. She walks out of the room. I open my eyes, slightly. I look around. Yep, hospital. I still can't move from my chest down. I have feeling in my arms though. I have a blood pressure thing on my finger and an iv in my arm. I grab the remote for the TV with my dominate hand. I turn it on to a game show. I lay there for a few minutes. I have a brace on my left leg and a wrap of gauze around my head. My eyes feel swollen. I hear a knock at my door. Nurse again. "Amy, oh thank god you can hear me now! How are you feeling?" I look at her. As much as I can see she's a brown hair woman wearing blue scrubs. She's typing on her computer. "You wanna take some medicine?" She asks. She leans up my hospital bed and gives me some water. She leans me back down. She nods and walks out of the room. After a little while, I drift to sleep. As I dream, I can't stop thinking about Ryan. I miss him. I hope Nathan or the hospital has called him. I close my eyes a little. Then my door opens again. Dammit. All I hear is a person walking. I don't want to open my eyes. Who could it be though?  I try to think. Ryan? Nathan maybe. Cole's probably with him. I open my eyes, slightly. It's Nathan. I clear my throat and drink some of my water. Nathan walks over to me. "Hey. Glad your alive!" I point in front of me. He looks. "What?" I move my finger back and forth. He gets up and stands in front of me so I can look straight at him since I can't move nor do I want to talk. "You can hear me can't you?" He asks. I point towards the table by my bed. I can't move to see it though. "There's a white board and marker, your purse, a pair of clothes, and your phone and glasses." I point to the board. He grabs it and brings it over to me. I write, I can hear you clearly. I can't move at all so I need you to stand in front of me so I can see you. I show him. He gets up and stands in front of my bed. I erase what I previously wrote and write I can see the shape of you and a little bit of your face. I show him. He nods. "What did the doctor say?" I erase and write I got all my surgeries done. I have stay here for two days and then I get to go home. The doctor will come by later though to fix my eyes. Can you hand me my water? I show him. He grabs my water and brings it to me. I write thank you and thanks for coming. You called Ryan right? I show him. He nods. "I don't know why I wouldn't call him and tell him what happened to his perfect girlfriend and my daughter ish." He jokes. I try to smile but it hurts. I draw a smiley face on the board and show him. He smiles back at me. When he tells me daughter ish it reminded me of my dad. All of the sudden, he pops up next to Nathan. I write hi daddy on the board. Nathan walks to sit down. My dad waves at me. What's wrong? he asks. I write I'm hurt all over. I can't move. I only have feeling in my hands. He nods. I'm so sorry sweetheart. I wanted you to know I love you and you will get through this. I guarantee it he says. He blows me a kiss. I draw a kissy face on the board. He vanishes. Nathan stands back in front of me. "Did your real dad come here?" I write yes he said he loved me and told me I'll get through this. He waved at you by the way. Lol. He smiled. "You will get through this, sweetie" he says. He comes over to me and kisses my forehead. My vision starts to get blurry again. My eyes roll back. I don't remember what happened after that.
Day 21: The next day
BAM! That's the sound of the shock thing against my chest. My heart starts beating again. I wake up. There's a doctor and a bright light in my face. I grunt. Holy crap! I can make sound again. I try to talk. I open my mouth. It didn't hurt to open it this time. "Ow. Bright light." "Amy, can you hear me?" "Yes" I open my eyes wider. They don't feel as heavy. "Are you ok now?" "Yea, I'm fine. What happened? You all look like I died." I laugh. "You blacked out. Are you sure you're ok?" Nathan asks. "Yes, I'm fine. I'm fine." I look around. I don't see Ryan. "Where's Ryan?"
I ask in suspicion. "He's on his way,darling don't worry" I smile. My door knocks. It's not Ryan. It's the doctor. I know outside of me is happy. But inside I'm scared of what this doctor is gonna say. He looks at my eyes. "Well they don't look swollen anymore. That's great. Let's check you out. Can you move?" He leans up my bed and I try to lean up. I don't feel sore or pain in my upper body. Just in my leg of course. I lean up. He checks my ears, mouth, breathing, and heartbeat. "Everything is great! I'll take a quick x ray of your leg and you'll be all set!" "Thanks doc!" He walks out and a few minutes later brings back the x ray. He puts it on the screen. "Well, it's healed! You get to take the brace off!" Yay!  He takes it off. I'm so happy. "Ryan has to work late. I told him I'll just drop you off at home." I nod. I'm glad I'll actually get to jump into his big strong arms. I get wheel chaired out of my room and the hospital. I get into Nathan's car. We stop at Eduardo's to pick up my stuff and to tell him I'm alive. Nathan's opens the door and I'm standing behind him so I'm not seen. "Eduardo" Nathan shakes his hand and steps out of the way. "Oh my god!" He shouts and runs to hug me. He picks me up and swirls me around. I'm laughing. He puts me down. "Oh thank god you're alright! I was so worried!" He hugs me again. I laugh. "I just wanted to say I'm-" I cut him off. "You don't need to be sorry. It wasn't your fault. I shouldn't have been in your way. I'm sorry" He nods and hugs me again. I get my stuff and wave good bye to him and I finally get to go to my favorite place, home. Where my loving boyfriend and dog is just waiting for me. I can't wait. An hour goes by and we pull up in the driveway. Nathan grabs my bag from the truck. I hug him. "Thank you for being there for me-I hesitate- step daddy" He smiles. I kiss him on the cheek. We walk to the door. I walk inside. Ryan's not in the living room. It's so nice. I see a Welcome Home, Baby! banner on my wall and a bouquet of flowers on the table. And the house looks so clean. "Ryan, honey?" He walks out of the bedroom upstairs. I smile at him. "I'm home" "Oh my god, baby!!!" He runs down the stairs and hugs me and picks me up. He's crying a little. It's kinda funny. "Oh my god baby I'm so glad your home! You don't know how much I missed you!" He hugs me tighter. "I missed you so much too baby!" He puts me down and I get my stuff from Nathan. Ryan takes it upstairs. "Thanks,sweetheart!" I yell as he goes upstairs. I hug Nathan before he leaves. "Thank you" He smiles. "No problem,sweetie" "Bye." He leaves. I close the door. I go over to the flowers and sniff them. God they smell great. Cocoa runs over to me and jumps in my arms. "Cocoa! Oh I missed you too" She kisses me all over. I laugh. I put her back down. All of the sudden, Ryan picks me up bridal style. "Let's go celebrate" He carries me upstairs. I'm laughing while he's tickling me. I take my shirt off. He lays me down on the bed. He takes off his shirt and pants. He kisses me all the way down to my jeans. He unzips them. He puts on a condom. We get started. "Oh baby" I moan. I feel so great right now.
Day 22: The Next Morning
Oh my god, I slept great. I finally, after a week got to sleep with my "wonderful" boyfriend. I wake up. I don't see him. I wonder where he is. I lay in the bed for a little while longer. I'm so relaxed. "Good morning,sunshine" I smile. "Good morning" I stretch out. "You look like you slept good last night" I laugh. "I sure did" He laughs and smiles. "Come downstairs I got something for you" I don't want to get up. He comes over and drags me and carries me downstairs. I kiss him as we walk down. I smell bacon. I walk over to the kitchen table set with a plate full of bacon, eggs, and French toast. "Mmm, my favorite" I lick my lips. "Anything for you baby" He kisses my cheek. I kiss him. I finish eating and I go upstairs and change. I change into an American flag tank top and jean shorts. I straighten my hair and do my makeup. I come down stairs. "Damn girl!" He says. I laugh. I run downstairs he catches me bridal style. God I love him. I scream with excitement. Cocoa starts barking. I laugh. He lays me on my back on the couch. He tackles me and starts tickling me. I can't stop laughing. He kisses me. We make out. His lips taste like coffee. We continue to make out. We finish. He lays on my chest and we watch tv. I ring my fingers through his soft brown hair and rubs his back up and down. The only thing to ruin this is a phone call. It shows up on the tv. "Nathan Dawkins 678-346-1179" I get up. I answer.
A- "Hello?"
A- "Yea what's up Nathan"
N-"This is not Nathan. I'm your father."
A-"Very funny,Nathan. You sound like Darth Vader. And then I hate my stepdad so I don't know why he would be calling me on Nathan's phone. Nathan, come on. Ha ha."
N- "No not your stepdad. And I'm really not Nathan. I'm your real dad. I saw you at the hospital when you fell out of that helicopter"
A-"I know you did, Nathan"
(Ryan walks over to me. I whisper one second)
N- I'm serious this is really your dad!
A- But I thought you passed away.
N- I did but I've taken over Nathan.
A- Daddy why did you do that?
A- I have to at least tell Ryan you know that right?
(He walks over again)
N- Let me talk to him.
Ryan and my daddy(Nathan) talk. I honestly want to hug my dad again. I mean I'm sad cause it's not really him. But at least Nathan is at least a little dadish so it will sorta be like hugging him again. Ryan hangs up the phone. "You believe him right babe?" "Of course, sweetheart. I mean he is your dad" I smile. "Did he say anything else?"I ask. "He wants us to meet him at Applebee's at 8:00 tonight. He wants to see you and especially meet me" I laugh. "You better dress nice" We both laugh. "Oh yeah to meet your dad of course. And especially to make you happy baby" He hugs me and kisses my forehead."Let's pick out your outfit" I poke his stomach and run up the stairs. I put my dark red strapless dress and my small black heels. I brush my hair,teeth, straighten my hair, and do my makeup. I come out of the bathroom. Ryan's all dressed up in dress slacks and a button up shirt. Red to match me. "Look at you. Beautiful!" He whistles to me while I turn around. I smile. I fix him up a little. I straighten his collar of his shirt and roll up his sleeves a little. "Ok, we have twenty minutes left. Finish up baby. I'm gonna go take care of cocoa." Ryan goes in the bathroom. I got downstairs. "Oh, baby bring my purse down when you come!" I yell to Ryan upstairs. I grab cocoa and I give her food and put her in her crate. I walk upstairs. Ryan's all shaved and brushed. He looks so good. I grab my purse, phone, necklace, and wallet. Ryan and I walk downstairs. "Wallet?" "Check. And phone and keys." I hear the keys jingle in his pocket. "Good boy!" He laughs. We go out to the car. I text dad(Nathan) we are on our way. We arrive. I see my dad(Nathan). It just kinda weird the whole "taken over soul thing" but I'll get used to it. I hope. I see him getting a little teared up. I run over to hug him. It sounds like his voice just not his face. But I am at least happy to hear him. I hug him so tightly. We let go. "Oh my gosh, look at you! So beautiful! Look how tall you've gotten!" I laugh. "Oh, it's the shoes. So good to hear you again daddy! I love you" He hugs me again. He kisses my forehead. "And look who we have her. Ryan Andrews right?" "Yes sir" He shakes my dads hand. They step out of the way and talk. I laugh. I sit down at the table. I watch them talking. I'm dying laughing. They shake hands again. Ryan walks and sits next to me. "You've got a good man their, darling!" I nod. I kiss him. An hour goes by, we are all having so much fun. Dad approves of Ryan. Yes! And he's so happy to see me again and meet Ryan. Double yes. I've had so much fun. I hug my daddy goodbye. "I love you daddy. Say hi to Amanda for me." He chuckles and smiles. "I love you too princess and I will" He shakes Ryan's hand. "You be good to her" They laugh. Ryan walks over to hug me and kisses my forehead and puts his arms around me. I smile. "I will sir" We all laugh. We get in our car. Dad gets into Nathan's car. "Bye daddy!" We yell to him. "Bye!" He leaves. We get in the car. We go home. I'm so happy. "That was so fun! Thank you for doing that babe" He rubs my leg. "Anything for you cupcake" We get home. I get out of the car. Ryan comes up behind and I jump on his back. I nibble on his ear as we walk in the house. Ryan lets cocoa out of her crate while I go upstairs. I change into a tank top and shorts. I put my hair up in a ponytail. "Well what should we do?" I ask. "Well?" He laughs. "Not now. Later." I say. I walk over to him and hug him. "I'm really glad we did that. But I'm just sad he had to take over Nathan for that. I hope he gives Nathan back his soul" We laugh.
Day 23: Friday
10:30 sleep sleep glorious sleep. I roll over. No Ryan. He had to work. I continue to sleep. 12:00 I finally get up. I stretch out. I rub my eyes. I don't feel so hot. Probably just need to eat or drink something. I stand up. I get wobbly in my knees and I sit back down on my bed. I start to feel dizzy. I keep falling asleep. I try to stand up again. I feel alright. I hold on to the rail of the stairs just in case. I get down the stairs safely. I walk to make me a bowl of cereal. Don't wanna eat something that will upset my stomach. I sit down. I pass out. As I lay there on the kitchen table with droll coming out of my mouth, I start to have these weird dreams. First, I was like this place full of candy. Second,there was these weird guys grabbing me and kidnapping me. Finally, both of the dreams come together. Reality: Ryan then comes home. He carries her upstairs and puts her in the bed. Her POV: 30 minutes later, I wake up. Weird. Ryan then comes in to check on me. "Hey your up. You ok?" I look at him. "Yea other than my head hurts" He nods. "Yea that's why I brought you some Advil. I was gonna leave them here if you were still asleep but your awake so it doesn't matter" He laughs. The fact that I don't remember anything after I got up and walked downstairs is kinda scary. I take the Advil. I lay back down. He lays next to me. He pets my head. I fall asleep again. He quietly walks downstairs.

Ryan's POV: Somethings definitely wrong with Amy. I don't know what it is though. I gotta find me something to do though while she sleeps. The doorbell rings. It's Brendon. One of my buds. "YO, What's-" "Shhhh,shut up Amy's asleep upstairs. She's not feeling so good or something" He nods. "What's up bro?" He whispers. "Not much" He nods. "Cool, how are you and her doing? You proposed to her yet?" I shrug. "I will just don't know when yet" I sigh. "Ok, well I want to be invited to the wedding" I laugh. "Of course brah" I high five him. We walk upstairs to check on Amy. She's still sound asleep.

Amy's POV: Dreams are going through my head. So many. One dream stops. There's ghosts all around me. They grab me and shake me. I shake so hard. My head is thrusting. I black out and fall into the floor.

Ryan's POV: Brendon and I hear a thud. I run upstairs. Amy's on the floor. "Amy!!" I roll her on her back. I start CPR. I don't feel a pulse. "Brendon call 911!!" I continue CPR. Nothing's working. I pick her up and grab the car keys and tell Brendon to drive and I sit in the back with Amy's head in my lap. We get to the ER. I find one of the nurses. "Help! Help! My girlfriend needs help!" They lay her down on a stretcher while she's seizing. They are trying to hold her down. It's hurts me so much to see her like this. She is thrusting back and forth with foam coming out of her mouth. They put an oxygen mask over her face and pump it while they wheel her into a room. A nurse yells at me to stay back. "Sir we need you to stay outside please" I walk outside. I sit down on a bench. I hear from outside the "thud" of the shock reviver. I put my hands over my ears. I hear it again I jump. Brendon pats my back. "She'll be ok bro" I look at him. I pat his back. "Thank you for being there" He nods and grins. Tears swell up in my eyes. I wipe them. The nurse walks out. "Amy Myers family" I stand up. "I'm her boyfriend, how is she?" I asked,worried. "Well, she's alive, but she's a little absentminded. I will let you see her but no stress" I nod. "Does she have a history of seizures?" I shrug. "This is the second one I've seen her have so i don't know" The nurse nods. "Ok well you can come see her" Brendon and I follow her. "Thank you" I see her asleep with a lot of cords on her. I walk to sit next to her. I hold her hand. "I'm so sorry baby" I whisper with a tear in my eye. I sit with her a couple of hours. The nurse comes to the door. She points to me. "Can I see you out here for a sec?" I walk out the door. "So we have looked through Amy's records and this is definitely not just the second seizure. Meaning, we need to run some tests on her. She will first be asked questions then we will take her for an MRI. If nothing shows up then, there is definitely something more going on here." I nod. "But we will start the questions after she wakes up and she's a little calmed down." I nod. "Ok, thank you" I walk back into the room. Amy's awake. "Hey beautiful" She smiles. "Hi honey" she says,softly. I walk to sit next to her. "How are you feeling?" I hold her hand. "I'm ok head hurts a little" She puts her fingers against her temples. I hear the heart monitor machine speed up a little . She starts to hyperventilate. "Sweety, you ok?!" She's sweating. "No it's hurts a lot now" She grunts. "Ryan get the doctor! I need help!" I run out of the room. "HELP!!" I scream down the hallway. Three doctors run in. Amy's seizuring again. "Amy, can you hear me?" One of the doctors ask. They are trying to revive her. One of the doctors push me out. I sit back on another bench. I hear two shocks. And then they let me back in the room. She looks fine. The doctors walk out. I walk over to her. She's smiling and she holds my hand. "Are you ok?" She nods. "That was weird but I'm alright now" she says.

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