Day 7

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Day 7: Nathan's New News
I walk into Nathan's office, nervous. I look around. I see a bunch of pictures, diplomas, and a calendar. I get up and walk over to it. "He has a lot of events coming up" I thought. "Like my calendar?" I turn around. He laughs. "Yeah, it's pretty". "Amy, I wanted to talk to you about something. Do you ever think about what your life would be like if you still lived with your mom and your step dad with your condition?". "Sometimes. Why?" "Well, this is not gonna be easy for me to say but Amy your mom, shortly after you came here, got put into a mental hospital. " I felt like I just got hit with a ton of bricks. I started to freak out. "Why?! What's wrong with her?! I have to see her!" I start to run out the door. Nathan grabs me. I struggle in his arms. "I have to see her!" I yell. He sits me back down. "Why is mom in a mental hospital?!" "Will you calm down first?" I take a deep breath. "Better?" I nod. "Ok. Your mom is in there because right after you left, you're step dad kept saying you were crazy. You're mom didn't believe him. She has always loved you, Amy. Amy, she's in there cause she told everyone what was wrong with you. Nobody believed her. She couldn't take it anymore. She hated everyone you called you crazy, stupid, or weird because of your condition. One day she just lost it. She doesn't remember anything now. Not even who you or your stepdad is. "I don't care about my stepdad! Stop bringing him up! Please." "Sorry". "Is my mom in this mental hospital?" He shakes his head. "I want to see my mom. Now! Somebody take me to her!" He sighs. "Cole will take you" I walk out of his office. I walk to my room to get my jacket and beanie. I put on my beanie. I look in the reflection of the mirror and I see Ryan. "You ok, babe? Where are you going?" I sigh and turn around. "My mom in a mental hospital. I'm going to see her. Will you come?" He nods, vigorously. I smile. "Ok, Cole is waiting outside. Let's go." He gets up and puts on his jacket. As I sit in the back seat, I look out the window. So many thoughts. My head hurts. I look over at Ryan. He looks at me. "What if she doesn't remember me?" He shrugs. "Then she doesn't. I mean babe she doesn't remember almost anything. So, if, say, she doesn't remember you, that doesn't mean she doesn't love you." He runs his thumb down my cheek. "Yeah, I guess you're right" I look back out the window. It's a little rainy today so there's so many dark clouds. I feel a tap on my shoulder. My dad is sitting in the middle of me and Ryan. I smile. Ryan has his headphones in so he doesn't hear me. "Hey daddy. What are you doing here?" He leans his head. "You know I couldn't see my little girl sad. What's wrong?" "Did you hear? Moms in a mental hospital. I'm scared she won't remember me." His ghostly arm goes to my shoulder. "Sweetie, she will always love you, even if she doesn't. Think about me. I'm dead but you know I always love you right?" I nod. "Then you have nothing to worry about, sweetie. Now I gotta go beat Robert at checkers. You remember Robert don't you?" I nod. "You're work friend, right daddy?" He nods. He hugs me and kisses me on the head. He waves goodbye. I wave back. He disappears. I smile. We pull up to the mental hospital. I look over at Ryan. He's asleep now. I laugh and roll my eyes. I tickle him to wake him up. He wakes up immediately. He gives me that goofy,little kid, pouty face. I laugh. "You love me" I get out of the car. Ryan comes around the car. He hugs me. "I sure do love you" he whispers. He looks at me. We kiss. We hold hands going into the hospital. We go to the administration desk. The guy at the desk gives Cole, Ryan, and me blue hospital bracelets. "Room 124" he says. We go to the elevator. We are on the 2nd floor. We go down the right hallway. Wrong way. He turn around and go down the other one. Room 124 is in black letters on the door. I knock. I don't hear anything. I walk in. All of the sudden I saw the women who was the greatest woman ever. My mom. She sat in her chair, staring at nothing. I walk up to her. "Momma, do you remember me?" She says nothing. "Momma, it's me, Amy". All of the sudden,something hits me like a ton of bricks. I'm in one of my visions. I see my mom. But this time in ghost form. "Momma!" We hold hands. "Mom, why are you here? What is all this? Wh- why is all this happening?" She puts her finger on my lips. "Hush, darling. You are asking to much. Calm down. Amy, I don't want to be here anymore. I need you to do me a favor." "Yes, mom?" "I need you to discharge me" My heart starts to hurt like a heart attack. "No! No! I wanna keep you alive! Please don't leave!" "Honey, you have to. I don't need to stay in this condition. You have to honey. I know you won't like it but just do it." Tears start to swell up in my eyes. I walk over to her machine and I, at first, resist to pull the wires. But I do it. Her head leans down, slightly. I lean her back up and close her eyes. I don't cry. I walk out of her room. Cole and Ryan are both standing outside. I look at them. I run into Ryan's arms and start to ball so much. "Shhhh, I know, baby" he whispers. While he's holding me, Cole joins into the hug. I'm crying so much now. Cole breaks from the hug and goes to get the car. Me and Ryan walk back up the hallway. I stopped crying a little bit. "Well, at least she remembered me" I say while hyperventilating. I start to ball again. So many tears run down my face. I don't think I can cry anymore though.

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