what's his name?

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"Hi officer, what's wrong?" I said with a slight smile. "Ma'am you need to get off the streets. It's not safe." He helped me stand up. "Why?" I questioned. "Not sure. The government is placing a curfew on the state. Where do you live?" "About 10 minutes away." I checked my phone. "I'll drive you." He opened the door and let me in. I checked my messages and called my mom. She didn't answer."figures." I mumbled. He stopped in front of my house and I climbed out. "Thank you officer." I smiled. "No problem. Stay safe." He drove off. I open the front door to find my panicked mother. "Where were you?!" She said bawling. "I needed to cool down." I pushed past her. She clutched me and wouldn't let go. She gets like this every once in awhile. Acts like she actually gives a shit about me, when in fact she's just high. She sat me down and looked at me. "Lacey we need to talk about something." She moved my hair behind my ears. "Okay. What is it?" "I need to tell you about your father." She whispered. "Oh god here we go again" I said under my breath. "His name is Shane Walsh." My jaw dropped and could of hit the floor. "What?" She pulled out a piece of paper, "this is your birth certificate. He was there for your birth Lacey. I took you away from him." I snatched it from her and and a man named Shane Walsh signed under father. "Why didn't you tell me!?" I screamed. "I needed you more than him!" She said through tears. I ran to my room and slammed the door. "FUCK!" I screamed. I started punching the walls and kicking the door. I grabbed my clothes and threw them in my bag. I plowed past my mom and out the door. I started walking towards the only person who could help me. Danny. I needed to stay somewhere for the night. I pounded on his front door. "What's up sexy?" He smirked. "Don't try that stupid shit on me Danny. I just need a couch to crash on." I said with a stern tone. He let me in and I sat on the couch while fiddling the paper between my fingers. "Danny, can I borrow your laptop?" "Sure thing baby." He went to his room and grabbed it. I pulled up google and typed in Shane Walsh. A link for Kings County sheriff department came up. I clicked on it and a picture of a man with the name deputy Walsh popped up. This was my father. The man who was nonexistent to me an hour ago. I now have a face, a name, a place. We didn't live to far from Kings county. It was about a 30 minute drive. About an hour or so to walk. I kept searching further and I tried to find his address but had no luck. I shut the laptop and looked at the paper. "I need to meet him."

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